The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas (2025)

WICHITA, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1897. DUFFY'S PURE AGAINST TRUSTS. HANNA IS BOSS. He Has a Complete Grasp on His Tarty and mltMskey MM an Spain, Italy, Hungary, its quality is deteriorated by persistent ralna. The is reported improving? hi Xorthern Kuroiie, also Roumania, Bulgaria, and parts of Russia, but not in Poland, or the southwestern province.

The deficiency of the crop In France 13 tiow estimated at from 35,000,000 to 55,000,000 bushels. GATHERING IP CATTLE. There Is Talk of Submitting Amendment and To the Tariff Bill Which Will Cripple Trusts. Can Easily Defeat Foraker Other Bosses. CAUCUS WILL SMOTHER.

BUT THE PEOPLE. Than Republican Senators Will See That Xo Damage Is Done Conditions Are Worse Ever Known Before. HIGH PRICES CAUSING A STAM- PKDE FOR BEEP ON THE HOOF. Denver, June 11. Men wlio have cattle to ell are right in the path of prosperity thtse day.

With a movement that first made manifest last winter prices for all varlties ct kine have gone up steadily until things have reached boom proportions. Even the hitherto despised cattle from Old Mexico are now" commanding quite a respectable degree of attention and demand. ISreeders and feeders both, have At Thomson's WE HAVE JCST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE SHIPMENT OF THE CELEBRATED Schilling's Teas WE DONT GET TEA BY THE CAR LOAD, XORDOWE BUT ANY OTHER ORDINARY COMMODITY BY THE CAM LOAD. IT IS SURE TO GET STALE BEFORE IT IT ALdU SOLID. WE GET OUR GOODS FRESH AS WE NEED THEM.

OUR GOODS ARE ALL FRESH. WE ATTRIBUTE OUR LARGE GROWING TRAOE TO KEEPING CHOICE. FlRiESH GOODS. Schillings Tea, in one-fourth pound, Japan Flavor 15c Schilling! Tea in one-half pound. Japan Flavor 30c Schillings Tea In one pound, Japan Flavor 60c Schillings Tea in one-fourth pound, English BreakfesC 15c Schillings Tea ini one-half pound, English Breakfast 30c Schillings Tea in one pound, English Breakfast 60c THESE TEAS ARE ABSOLUTELY FINE.



AND IP YOUDON'T SEE WHAT YOU WANT, JUST ASK FOR IT WE -HAVE IT. THOMSON'S FOR MEDICINAL USE NO FUSEL OIL To the Combinations for Whose Benefit Tariff Is Raised. A Calamity Cry Goes Out From the Voters. to depend almost entirely en the states Will Cure Malaria and Prevent all Germs from Attacking the Body. Insist upon your I) ni 1st or Grocer furnishing and territories south of Colorado for supply market, as the west and north Washington, June 11.

It i.s Senator Pett grew's intention to offer h'jt antitrust amendment to the tariff bill at the end the sugar schedule, and the manner of its acceptance i. beginning 'to be a matter of speculation among Senators. west appears to be about cleaned out of cuttle for breeding and feedlrjj pur poss. In the Dakotas and Minnes ta, es it. Send for pamphlet to DUFFY MALT WHISKEY Rochester, Y.

pecially, the scarcity "breeder cattle i.s plainly noticeable. During the yeara Tb-r wis some talk of the necessity for a Republican caucus to decide t'he position that party In tile Senate should take upon the proposition. It grew out of well-founded reports that some Republican S-nators liad announced their intention to vote for the amendment when Denver, June 11. Thi? Ni-w liu a Ions special fr. Cleviflan-I, written by Jami'n Creel-roan, the celebrate)! newepaper errcitonleiit ivhlrii putp.irH to give th; exact political situ ili'id, Ohio.

Jt In p.iri: It i emw t'i he i u(i 1 1- cei lain al lihis. ni'i-imnt that Senator farina tin practically won hi.f great light for 'the r-Hh lip of Ohio polilicH, ami that lief -re ill end of the month he will Ik; in nupr. control of the Uepulil can state oiuan-tuition. Nothing Imt a vl-rlory at the polls can pn vi nt him Ihe moKt powerlul uti'l inesUlliile 1n hi parly wince the ilea, li Mr. IK-iim-HIk unci 11 ill -na nt.s an' cin-ylng Jill before I hern.

of dullness in the cattle business, which busted until the close of 1806, the ranges became greatly depleted, numbers of cat tlemen Felling their entire brand. and engaging others lines or trade. Mow, presented in tn: senate. it nn yei when a reaction has set in, the men who certain that a caucus will not be held on this subject, and It is broadly hinted that stuck it out through the hard times are reaping a harvest. One result of the even in case a caucus Is held, and the a'nd of shortaK'-ji.

and for himself d-. iiounces a slanderous that tii'-so were known and do by th- partn-rs of the man win was killed. He dnls tiit Iloffmin was enga.1 mi any outsi l- As -ls pros'cutlnir FiKel, he will tde a lvl:" of 14 attorneys. turn is that the cattlemen of the north west are buying up ln the south all the breeders they can find, paying fancy prices for them, too. A bi-s deal in Arizona cattle has Ju.t been closed in SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER BASEBALL GAMES.

Arizona by 'the i.Minnesota and Dakota Cattle company, 8,000 head of breeders havln; been purchased by the general manag. of t'he impany, James Phili ps HOW THE VARIOUS TEAMS STAND of Fort Pierre, S. D. The animals are now being shipped through Dtnver to a 05 (4 PS cn thiir destination on the railroad line. -ledslon of the majority Is against the there may still be some R-piiblleans for Senator Chandler of Hampshire wa.s represented to be mnonn those who said they would oppose the provision of their votes, in opposition to the mandate of the caucus, but when asked to his position, th? New imps hire Senator said that his attitude would' lie controlled by 't'he course might b- iken with reference to til" railroad pooling bill.

If that bill, he iil-I, was to be reported to -the Interstate Commission, regardless of 'the inaction II and merely for the committing the Senate, in that ci-. he W'Uill favor an anti-trust amendment to the tariff bill: otherwise he would h- controlled In t'he matter T.y the senti-m-nt )f his party. Th -re a few other Republican Stna-: is, who an- recognizd a. being more or where the cow'boys will take charge of them and drive them to the ranee to breed. 01 TO WEI) THE SERVANT.

UP TO DATE. Clubs. Played. Won. Lost.

Pr.Ct. lialtirnoi- 27 730 Boston Clacinna'i 2i 1 68; New Yd 34 13 3'! I'ItU-Mui 17 Itrooklyn IS 5U Cleveland IS IS 500 I'hila I' lphla 10 HO 4s7 li'iulsvUIe 17 20 Chicago 13 21 WastiitiKt'iri' 30 23 Si St. ruiis 40 8 32 200 P. a P5 tn Your Attention! la invited to our choice assortmnt of new Summer fabrics for men'a wear, which is now almost complete. We wiil not waste adjectives.

To te appreciated they must be seen. You are invited to call and examine them. The J. Glosser Tailoring 147 NORTH MAIN STREET. It i a iKilMcal miracle tin- imin.ii-atluti of McKlnley.

Senator Foraker ha been completely out enei il. il. The Inf1u rice of t'he 'president aid of ihe 'Rt ptibllran national commltt' lias iie -n ton much for him, yet what a i-llii uioii confronts the new Warwick. CrleH of Industrial and ign up from every county in oil. i.

The whop- commonwealth I'll cpite of the aliclille celt.ilnty that the tariff iblll will Iht'iih- a law wllh.n a few week, the time! are grim-itm ii" Imstead of better. Kvety body that the tariff will Inlp the wjgiir ml klmlriil rms of coniulnel ar. i ra-jiaclotirt 'wealth, which are already powerful eiioiiKh to wiite tile rational law and to the 1 ti I but nobody Keen how tin ugi ieulture, or iiinriicice of oliii to helpcil. It Is linpoytdbl i exaggerate the rem In till white. Farmv tve ai-tually hrunk to half their value, ami actually Hhow that i ver riince Mc-Klnh v'x election, v.jIiii.s have shrunk not le.n than 1(1 per The 1m terrlthle that Ihe loan Inxtitut.

ttve holdlnif of overdue mortn-KM, which they do not dire to lose, beciuiKe prices haw shrunk mi low that farming land freiiueutly fails to the price of the nmilg.ige at uue-tlon, the Mnurey in my nnMMwIon, I am mtlflli-il Unit the list of mnilgnmi nt.s, fireclo.Hiir and transfers of pr perly for debt since lie beg lining of year In Ohio nvi-rag" more than hair .11 million dollars' for each or tic count It'H, and that the total for t.h state more than (Kio.ono. I ir'v? la HEAD MAID OF A PRINCESS TO CE COME A COUNTESS. Lsandun, June 11. Not only at Vienna, 'but likewise to Great Btvtain, has a considerable sensation been created by t)he biethrothal of a girl of the name of Magda Fuchs, until recently head maid of Princess Ferdinand of Bulgaria, to Count Henry Taaffe, the only PI ubt as t'i theii' po.sit:on on Hie and who now express 'them-Inclinid to follow personal tile amendment, regardless opinion Us that In case a held, the verdict will be I.i' d. ft nil Vo -'lves as ion of party Th-- ellieil.s Is PHILATJELPIHA 111 lad -Iphla, June II -phia, Chicauo, 10.

and KUtrllg-; Pli I'illli I lelplilu, son and heir of the lape statesman, who for so many years was Prime Min ster of Austria, and the most intimate friend of Emperor Francis Joseph. Count Henry Taaffe, who thus selects his bride from among folks occupying a menial position, is a mam about 28 years amendment, a presenting a different for hgslatlon, and one which sh.MiM lie dealt wit'h on Its own -merits and separate from the tariff. SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER old. He Is a chamberlain of 'the Em (iOVEHNMENT ItEl'ORT. peror, and, besides being a of Johnson, filleiil, McFarlun I.

AT Ita'ltiinoie, June II. H.ililmore, Cleveland, 2. latteries: lt.iltl.nnre. I'ond and liowerman; Cleveland, Voun and )'Connor. AT WASMINflTHN.

Washinsrton, D. June 1 1. St. I-ouls, 3. Iiatieres: King and St.

1 Hart and 1 imie, AT HKdtiKl.VN' Itrooklyn, N. Jun II. Hooklyn. 2. Hrookly.i.

Kennedy at ttsburg. Hawicy the Austrian House of Lords, is l.kewise a British -being Viscount Taaffe and lord of Mallymote, in t'ne Kingdom of KAXSAS II AS THK MUST RRCENT- A(IK AT PRESENT. June 11. Statistician Rob. of tli- Agricultural Department this Ireland.

He owns a beautiful country seat at Ellischau, In Hohemia, one of me feature of whilch is a reproduction, itself more than 200 vcarS old. of the ruins of tnc oniciai ngim. tar as they urn obtainable, for Mc and iA.IKS POSTPUN'KD. Klriley's county. Hut win eking uh they may iie, they w.

h's ancestral castle of Ha'llymoie in Ireland. Count von Taaffe's mother is or.e of the proudest ladles of the coutt of Vierona, and every one of his three sisters ie grandly maided. t'nder the circum only a raliu ntunlow ol the real slluat i Wiigi are being cut down In all dire- York-Cincinnati, postponed; groiinds. Host' n-ljoiilsv i n. ra t-lon.

factories are running only of the time and UMiially with reduced force. iti l.ssiie.I the following -re il report. Mr. Hyde, the new ti' ttkl.ig charge until after epor: report of June 1, consul datid fr tile r-turr of tovMiLship, county and State esp'. iiilotit of the Department of Ag-: 'cult Hi', makes the acreage of winter growing, after allowances fir abandonments, 94.6 per cent of the ar-a 'aarvested last year, of per of flie area sown in the fall of Til's in round numbers Is 21.562,000 actes.

Til- of winter-wheat acreages, upon the banls of the principal win ter-wheat States, are as H7; Michgan, Illinois. t'ONSPIHACV TO LOOT. stances, the new Countess of Taaffe cannot hope to receive a very cor ThiniinilK of Idle worklr Ritien Join willi the ruined farmer In the cry for the dial welcome from t'he relat'ves of her husband. HOYCCtTTTciTEAP BEER. MltS.

CltA Iv.N'S VISIT Ti CPI.I.KN IS QCKSTmXKl). profipcrlty 'which was promls Kv-ry ibixly knows t. Nobody denies It. I wan at. Canton today and will-ail'mut, Mie very where liviN thoUKinds' of woikln nun heard Mr.

Me Klnley proclaim fnmi the mden eii'ctfd In front of hi li ui tliat th- de feat of Itryan would re ipell the cli-v. San Kr June II. -The turn t.i the Ki ca-e t.ol in un terday. Tli attorney i I Airs. CITIZENS OF A CALIKCT 'NIA TOWN WRECK A FIVE CENT JOINT.

Oakland. June 10. A modest sign iiirl, Kansas, 07; California, Mi fartoc. -wine-, bearing the legend "Me. Cents" 'han stand an 1 :l.r: In pilte.l slioivn them cured from h- r'ae s.i,- I taken th dls-to S.ier to two men nani'd work, restore diys i pliit.y an I se ourlty to Ihe farn i ar I the mr led a saloon war in the unusually unlet town of Pinole.

I to last Sat a- cliirtce I've. 1 with urday nieht beer has been held at 10 and Homier. Then a-i cents per gkiss the powder city. The town had four saloo-ns. but on Saturday th- signMc in In Ne.v York.

Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virgin, a. North Carolina, Alabama. Arkansas. Texas, Tennessee, and West VI -otiia the area sown, compared with that harvested last year, has been materially increased. coa t.on of winter wheat has fallen since t'ii-' report of May 1, being 7.X.5 per cent, against S0.2 on that date, a de Wheeler: mornir.c a sign appeared on what was many repti-M ut itlve clt ns.

and th all told the same ftory- lia .1 sill fer. rrc 'hankruptcy. 'There never has en anvihinn li this in Canton before." May It i of Canton. "There art hun lr if fin: ipiistlen by "Ni.w, Mis Crave ei'teie I into any agr whereby Mr. t'ullen or Ind reetiy a tli property in liav you iv i c.itr.n to 1) nlven 1 ntlng-nt Inter." lllf in canton today who siilTirin.u a the ever put for 'want of food and cloth' tiK.

Thlnx are Keittlns! worse. In thiv- fhi year I have spent out of my d. billed to be saloon No. 5, and the price of the beverage that cheers was be cur in two. The four saloon met in txecutiva and decided to boycott any brewery t'hat -would supply beer to the newcomers, but Saturday afternooun kegs and bottles arrived at the new place and iming was served to customers for a time.

Early Sunday moinir.g there ivu another meeting: of the I ion men. and at the close rf ihe session they ad- pur. on ami emu and clothlim tn that you win tills cas-'l Attorney Ii-Ian-' ohje "1 expect to prove ness." Wheeiei cnsplracy whlcli. by jrlve away mete than try year's cline of 1.7 points. The condition of June I.

last year, wait 77.9. The percentages of the principal States are: oho. US; Michigan, lidiana. 60; Illinois. Missour, 45; Kansas, 88; Caii-fornta, 73.

Th- petcentage of spring-wheat area tor entire cnuntiy, as compared with tint of has been Increased, being 110 p-: ccr. of last year's acreage. this w't-org an zd of forged par: as mayor. "The factories are iiittlr nvn wan the omi reiHicltiK their fore Many document. and rjuiv.

test. my. Fa e.stite was to be looted." "'Proi said Delnus, bu: thdm are 'not operatiil; mor' than tine -H iays it 'ween. or tii'in are run. iner.ed to the new saloon.

A ro'w fol Mr. F. A. Frankl in, a traveling- salesman, says About six months ago I bought my first box of Ripans Tabules ani? was so pleased with the result that I hare since bought them in various parts of the State. Being' a traveling man, and compelled to drink all kinds of water and eat all kinds of food, I find the Ripans Tabules are the best aid to digestion I have ever tried." Til" total area of spring wheat i-own is nlnjr without prulli.

Firm land tint Merefoiv. in round 13.000,000 nna Deen worth lino an nore be of Adjournment bad a i ved and no further were asked. GAVE AN OPINION. 1 the combined winter and sp Itig Is acres, or per cent soli for $110 an acre. It l- almit 1m poss'lble to -borrow mcney on real estati s-ink.

and sink ind sink. "The farmer and worklnnnien are de lower their arrival, and in the melee the new barkeeper bru and 1eattn and his bar was completely wrecked. Seventeen- citizens of the town who are changed with complicity In the wreckage of the saloon were placed under arrest yesterday. harvested In 1S36. PUT IT PE MADE The cotid tlon of spring wheat shows an average for the whole country of S9.6 WASN'T TH PUBLIC.

cent, against 99.9 per cent in June 1, HOtitlmif the Republican party by the whole-sale. 1 know of score of mn whei are Insolvent and who continue bu infM simply l)ecause their creditor. do Saa Francls-vii, June 11 An paper publishes an interview TEMPLE BURNED. The condition of all wheat is S2.7 pi cent, against 7S.6 per cent, the sani-1 date las; year. The Ci ciJitlonti for spring wheat for the not dare to net." of the attorney for Theodore even -me Du ran: -leu als, gave an MORE THAN A HUNDRED PEOPLE the efT-'Ct that, in pite ot hi Mtoiney-Oeneral Fitzgerald FIG EL WAS SHORT.

principal spring-wheat States are as fol CRN EI) TO DEATH. opinion to Warden Hale, instructing him Tacoma, June 11. More than J5VJDKINCKS THAT Till'! Cl-FKK a hundred persons perished at Tien Toin CDPIME CURES! CUFIDMC1ES! YES. MANHOOD RESTORED.1., FreiK-b ietble i.alner will quickly cure you oiai I nervouaordlseuwi Of he generauveorgans brought on by Youibtul Errora, over-exertion, excessive aw ofiobrroortlmulntt, which lead to decay aid death, auch An I la ManhnnH Ininmnlt. PfliDn I the Umlnal Vm laalnn.

not to proceed with Hie executicn of the cotiilemned murderer to-day, but vhat had ben decided no; to make the Attorney General's opinion public unt I i'm PAlilFIKD ACVOUNTS. China, late steamer reports indicate, in the burning of a temple dedicated to the San Francises. June 11. The Coroner' io. Minnesota, 94; Wisconsin, 90; Iowa.

90: Neb aska, S9; South Dakota. 7: North Dakota, 91; Washington, 100; 9S. Tile prelim anry report places t'he acreage of oats at 93.3 per cent of last year's area, and makes ttie condition 89 per cent against 9S ,8 vr cent last June. Acreage of rye is 93 per cemt of last year's; condition of rye 89.9 per cent. last moment, and then In the even: lnquc-st jr the IIofTman case will be hold Queen of Heaven.

A festival was in piogresa and the edifice was crowded. if the Cove: nor refusing to grant a re next xuesuay. enter Ia'is promises to mostly with women ami children. prieve. produce evidence not yet made public.

Ho says that it will be proved beyond a Th's action. It i explained, is due nKFOHE. AJTKH. Nervon Debility, t'nntnraa lo Marry, Evil Iireams, VartcocelAtrophr, Weak Memory, Exhaustion and Constipation. HhruuHeD or uitic orgaua aireujtbtued aud restored.

I'lirlUKNK stops al 1 1 oa by day or night. Take) HPIDkSk and be (I ad and manly. Tk CCPIDENE and be (lad aod manly. quick lira of discharge, which I ead to Hpenuaturrbiea. and Impolency.

CUPIIKNK I. a Nerre Tonic and Blood Builder. The reanon anfTervrs are not ured by dortora i a because 90 per cent are troubled with Proatat I Is. (TPIDKNK Is the onlv known remedy to care without an operation. Guarantee given with tf boxes for S5.0O.

1.0 a box. six lorSS.00. Send for Free circular and SUOU testimonials. For Male by O. Gehrinj-, corner Top eka and Doug-laa avenues.

reasonable doubt that Mr. Fidel's horso- ALL IN THE FAMILY. San Francisco. June 11. -William F.

the fact that the Attorney General that If he told the Warden to hang Durrant. Uie Oovernor imight demand a wrlti of maindamus compelling both the father of Jamee and Kitty Rogers, who were recently arrested, for State ofliclaU to perform their duty. counterfeiting, was taken into custody by Secret Service Agent Harris, charged jradnf? operations were known to both Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Rothsoh Id Ion a befora the latter went Kast.

EiJ 9. Rothachlldi of the firm of Hoffman, RothAShlld arrived from New iTork Jast might to take the in the buslntM left vacant by the death Ills partner, Isaac Hoffman. He brought with him autographic evidence. Tigel's falsifications of the aeeounU FOR SALE 6 Room Cottage, barn, almost an acre of ground, fruit $400 HOMING TIGE0NS. with having counterfeiter's tools 'in- his possession.

Four years ago he was ar THE FASTEST TIME EA'E RECORD 5 Room Cottage, barn, 87H feet 451 Room House, EO feet 271 5 Room House, barn, 50 feet 32J Call and see our list before you buy. 226 East Douglas Ave. 8 Room House, 50 feet 350 6 Room Cottage, barn. 60 feet 350 rested for counterfeiting nickels, but was released on account of the utter destitution of his family. He was remandwd until Tuesday for examination.

G. K. SPENCER REALTY CO. ED IS Milwaukee, June 11. Thirteen Acreage of barley 92.2 per cent of last year's; condition of same June 1.

87.4 per cent. Acreage of oats. 103.1 per cent; condition. 9S.S per cent. Reports from the consular omcers of the I'nited States in Manitoba and Western Ontario Indicate good crop.

of both nte and spring grain. The spring acreag. in the Winnipeg consular district Is about 13 per cent greater than last year, while crcps are about ten day earlier. Reports from Eastern Ontario and tjuebec are less favotablt. Inquiries made by the I'n' -d State Minister to Argentine tend to show that year's wheat acreage will not exceed last year's and may be much less.

'Fru throughout Central and Western Europe has been considerably injured by frost. Wheat growth is generally retarded by the backward season, and In Homlag pigeons, owned by H. M. Rium- PROTECTION FOR HOME AND STORE g.irtner, presirent of the iwaukee common council, have finished a 11 gh; in the ftistest time for tlie distance ever made KJdr! Against FLIES, MOSQUITOES, ETC. They will jsoon arrive by the thousands.

We make the best ani cheapest SCREEN' DOORS AXD WINDOWS on the in the eWst. The time wa. nine hour? and twenty minutes, or less than a min market. Also manufacture Sash, Doors, Frames.MouIIiass, Store Fronts, Prch MEMS E1LLETS 11 FOR T11E IIVEH ute for each miles. The birds were lib Columns, etc.

Star work a specialty. Pills Are gaining favor rapidly. Business nien aud travellers carry them In vest iiockpt, lnilteB cmrrjr them erated at Ironton. and the rae was under the auspices of the Xattwal WESTERN PLAINING MILL COMPANY Office and Mill: Cor. Fourth and First.

W. A. Hart, Manager. Phone, 169. In lionti-kwpKri keep thera In medirln 1mcu, frlcuU recommend Uiem to trlend.

Uc tlon of Homing Pigeon Fanciers..

The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas (2025)


Why is Wichita important to Kansas? ›

Wichita, the Heart of the Country, is the largest city in Kansas – full of significant aviation and western heritage. Our vibrant city radiates friendliness and ingenuity as the Air Capital of the World.

What is the slogan of Wichita city? ›

With the varied aircraft industry and test center for aviation moving into town, Wichita was soon dubbed the "Air Capital of the World." However, after the Depression and the Dust Bowl sweeping through the city, city leaders determined that Wichita needed more than a slogan, but something visual - a flag.

What is the history of the Wichita Beacon? ›

In October 1872, The Wichita Daily Beacon was founded by Fred A. Sowers and David Millison. It published daily for two months, then weekly until 1884 when it went back to daily. In 1907, Henry Allen purchased the Beacon and was publisher for many years.

Who owns the first place in Wichita KS? ›

OUR FOUNDER. The First Place was started by Helen Galloway in 1973. Originally located on east Kellogg in Wichita, KS the store moved in 2000 to its current location at 2929 North Rock Road, Suite 165 in Wichita, KS.

What is Wichita best known for? ›

The city became an aircraft production hub known as "The Air Capital of the World". Textron Aviation, Learjet, Airbus, and Boeing/Spirit AeroSystems continue to operate design and manufacturing facilities in Wichita, and the city remains a major center of the American aircraft industry.

What does Wichita mean in Indian? ›

The name Wichita comes from the Wichita Indians, who settled at various times in the vicinity, and means either "scattered lodges" or "painted faces," depending on which historian you ask. In 1868, a Wichita Town Company was organized with Mead and six others as original incorporators.

What is the nickname for Wichita Kansas? ›

Wichita was incorporated in 1870. Wichita became a destination for cattle drives from Texas, which explains its nickname, "Cowtown." The original stimulus to the City's economic development was the extension of the Santa Fe Railway into Wichita in 1872.

What food is Wichita known for? ›

Wichita proudly upholds the tradition of Kansas-style barbecue. The city's renowned BBQ joints serve up mouthwatering dishes like slow-smoked ribs, tender brisket, and smoky pulled pork. Be sure to try the burnt ends, a local specialty featuring caramelized and succulent pieces of beef or pork.

Is Wichita the center of the US? ›

The geographic center of the 48 contiguous or conterminous United States, determined in a 1918 survey, is located at 39°50′N 98°35′W, about 2.6 miles (4.2 km) northwest of the center of Lebanon, Kansas, approximately 12 miles (19 km) south of the Kansas–Nebraska border.

What are two interesting facts about the Wichita? ›

Wichita Facts

A.A. Hyde discovered Mentholatum in 1894 in the current The Spice Merchant & Company building. In 2008, the NAACP recognized Wichita as the site of the first sit-in by African Americans at an all-white lunch counter in July 1958.

Why does Wichita have its own flag? ›

History of the Wichita Flag

Designed by Wichita artist Cecil McAlister, it represents freedom, happiness, contentment and home. Selected from more than 100 entries that were submitted for a city flag design contest, it was officially adopted on Flag Day, June 14, 1937, by Mayor T. Walker Weaver.

What did the Wichita call themselves? ›

Names. The Wichita tribes call themselves Kitikiti'sh or Kirikirish ("raccoon-eyed people"), because of the historical practice of tattooing marks around their eyes.

What billionaire lives in Wichita KS? ›

Charles Koch & family
  • Net worth: $58.5 billion.
  • Age: 88.
  • Residence: Wichita.
  • His father started Koch Industries, where Koch has been chairman for over 50 years. The company is involved in gas pipelines, chemicals and manufacturing, among other industries.
Apr 11, 2024

What is the richest area of Wichita Kansas? ›

Top Luxurious Neighborhoods in Wichita, KS
  • Emerald Bay.
  • Equestrian.
  • Henwick.
  • Vickridge.
  • Reeds Cove.
Mar 13, 2024

What is the oldest house in Wichita KS? ›

The Munger House, Wichita's oldest remaining building, can still be visited at Cowtown!

Why is Wichita Falls important? ›

Some firsts for the area: the first church, First United Methodist Church, was built in 1881, schools sprang up in1890, the first automobile came to the city in 1907, regular street car service began in 1909 and ended in 1933, the state's first manmade lake, Lake Wichita, was built to furnish water to the city, Wichita ...

Why is Wichita Mountains important? ›

Worn by time and nature, the Wichita Mountains loom large above the prairie —a lasting refuge for wildlife. Best known for its roaming herds of bison, longhorn, and Rocky Mountain elk, Wichita Mountains also offers quality opportunities for wildlife dependent recreation.

Why is Wichita, Kansas the Air Capital of the world? ›

Wichita first earned the title of Air Capital of the World in 1928, when the production lines at the city's 16 aircraft manufacturers rolled out 120 airplanes each week. At that time, one out of every four U.S.-built airplanes came from Wichita.

When did the Wichita tribe move to Kansas? ›

There they joined their northern relatives in what is now west-central Oklahoma. Although a reservation and agency were established, the Wichita people were not able to remain in this land. In 1863, they were forced by Confederate troops to leave their reservation and flee north to Kansas.

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.