'ATTRACTIVE SUITES- Attractive both in appointment and one of which contains other homelike quarters i Grand view. $86.00 A MONTH. Attractive suite of four rooms and bath, with all conveniences. Located In the Grandvlew 112 orand-view Mt. Washington.
Just overlooking city and within 12 minutes' ride. Manoa. $37.50 A MONTH. Apartments containing four rooms and bath; rooms well lighted, fine laundry, patent clothes dryer, etc Located in Manoa S17 North Craig McLean. $85.00 TO $37.60 A MONTH.
Five and six rooms and bath, with service, steam heat, built-in refrt vera ton, linndrv Treated the McLean 254-66-68 Mathilda East End. Meredith. $25. do A MONTH. Comfortable suite of five rooms and bath, with laundry facilities, hot water, all conveniences.
Located In the Meredith Apts Falck and Fleming North Side. Convenl-' ent to car line. Estate Ooii' pany -of Pittstargli, all and Ma uaij naraa-ood aoors throughout tile rc a Krorn Coal to Oa SI 5 "TTRNACJ3 TRANSFORM CR, Cither will beat mix rooms and, save the cost of installing the first wtnter If used only in ear, fall and late prt-g The Sxicresa Transformer a- acbed to your old coal furnace will relieve you of the labor of band ling coal and the annoyance of removing ashea Write for Information. Agents wanted. COM.
SPECIAL NOTICE. We desire to notify our clients and friends tnat we have opened an office at 327 OLIVER JJU1LD1NG, PITTSBURG. wherl we will be prepared to list your properties for sale or exchange. Come and see -a C. WESLEY Real Estate, Insurance and Mortgages.
Keai restate, insurance and Mortgages. 827 OLIVER BUILDING. Pittsburg, I'a. J13 Hay Wilkinsburg, Pa. 1034p DD Vn MI.Mll I uiuiu AxiVV DUIvjALvU Billiard room and space for three bvd rooms on second floor, hardwood floors.
narowooa noun, panel waits, beamed ceil Inn. tile fire aolld bronze hardware. mantels. semi -indirect and combination fix- Si! XX Metropolitan tores: H.i.hi $16 00 Brighton 4 enameled range, window ahadaa.
m.ijii mt- 4 weather ttinninr: ij-o- fwmont pi-. 4 DESIRABLE MODERN HOMES. LOW KKNTAL8 i $, Qin ARCsiNA a four-room dweU- O.UU. In. SP 00 VUU5N11AWR AVKV.
-Bod. 1- room fiat with aee of bath. tfc'JO FKEEutNU B. xUlls. six rwoius.svud oath.
$25:00 ES ItLLA Hill Top. 'brick. 6 bat porch, nr. car llaea $tri I ER A bath, lance aro C-rm. weiliuK.
bath, large grounds. $30.00. Joi poom-; $-X (JO TkMko nr. Center 0 Maee BullvUn. Court $435.
NEW HOUSE. Just completed. Six fOOIJlS. Ail tk fiAilnr la. lid i rv r.a i porch; bullt-tn bookcases, china closet and Location ideal, within two minutes walk of cars.
20 minutea ride oT downtown, Oakland. East En.i nmAflf'lr1 tan 1 interior and exterior to any $66 propost- yw lu-t ever seen, rent Inspection invited. D. rvrn xr XV LttriLl, 806 MAGEE BLDG. 1024n lIPWtfVVTinnT TT TrtTfhrjinr! mA.
IULJLJC inlOIVllJC 440 HOUSES WE HAVE ONLY THE FOLLOWING TO RENT: 220 JUCl'NDA ft RAHMfl a niTn oaq unnnio ar 4 nArr. morris S-r 2 54.5"- Ji2 432 nrwirv I SXXSi S4S UEW S.T-6 BATH $26 41S SUMMIT RT OEORUI i Rnhy a riiro KNOXVILLE usn wa no. iin woon st 1022kfe Snnnnr. A California Ort Shady Forward. $60-: 2 'ofihs.
sun parlor and porch. noors. hot water heat. i QIC A e. SCHENLEY 0 clm HEIGHTS "xnjr 102fhjr TO I.
TO KAUFMANN RFAT.TY.J1! i i i "r-i-v VT a ot rxit iii i rAj i CrtU Beautiful new bungalow havlna six rooma tile bath, hall and sun parlor on first floor. elect '1c showers, hand painted decorations, window shades and all equipment Built of rich texture tape. try brick with white cement rabies and porches, sits well back large plot of ground, landscaped and planted to fruit and fine shubbery. In a delightful neighborhood of fine homes, price on terms, tor keys write a 67, Press office 1021n 0001 V. porcn.
brick house. $18.00 Two houses, five rooms and attle APARTMENTS-v Atmore near Island $36 2667 PerrysvUle ave. Ansonia North bath, elec light. 2 porches, $10.00 Five room house, Said st. North laundry, third floor.
e- $26 1786 Buena Vista st, 4 1st. 0. 8.00 Three room flat, bath; Earl Es- $10 4 Rolls st, r.k 2nd. 11. nA P'en- $20 1810 Penna, ava; 6 rooms, bath, ldry.
$16.00 Five rooms and att brick house; Vrtr, KmI FctatP Rooming House. I I FOlltttb ST. A CRAFT AVE. I leo attractive modern boit containing: 10 rooms. 2 bath, with every Improvement, ideally located for roonun house purposes, on Forbes st car lint-a.
Just 16 uhuuim trout cuy; good lodger, twunl at all Umee CAN BE VtUOTk.D. 'Modem 7-Room Home. 06 PEEBLES WILKINSBURG. Attractive dwelling of 1 rooms and bath, with all modern conveniences; located Just a block off Penn and not far from P. R.
WOOD AT FOURTH. COURT 10. 1024P THE TENANT'S1 departure from the city range and refrigerator: three minutes' walk from car line and Pennsylvania R. eta- tlon; reasonable rent ana apeclel offer until May Write 0, Press office. 1034p 8s uw I4ii Watson 8 rooms, gaa, 10.00141 Washington 8 rooms, gaa.
10 00 79 Washington 8 rooms. 12.0017 Townsend 8 rooms, gaa. 14 00 1818 Clark 8 rooms, gaa 16 00 11 Sachem 8 rooms, gaa 16 60914 Webster ave. rooms, gaa 18 00 2209 Bedford flat, 4 rooms, bath. 20O0 2426 Fifth ave.
flat. rooma bath. xx llin ave. nv rooma nu. 20 00 1721 Webster house.
7 rooms, gas 26.00 101 Elm nouee, rooms, gaa 26 04 1089 Olbbon rooms, gas. I 38.60 Vine near 6th, I large rooms, gaa li nnPMnNT Brick dwelUng. else and gas, six rooms, bath, $30 per month, EECH VIEW, 25 per month. SHERADEN Iivr br1-k. rooma ABR.Ef TS ESTATE oo Keystone 824 Fourth ave 1024 wp FOR ukvt 1- 1 honM.
laMn.jV; tlon, 64 trains dally. A bargain as house rented for $36 per month, but on account of tenant leaving this part of city, will sacrifice for $30 per month. Call and see J. S. riT rv.
k. station or call 622-R Crafton. 1024wp TO LET. NEW COTTAGES. 6 and 7 rooms and bath, hardwood floors.
n.ot water heat; tenant can seleot decorations; will build garatre If desired NET RENTAL. A MONTH. GEORGE 807 Fourth ave. 8060 Court. 1024P WILKINSBURG-EDGEVVOOD I have several fine single and duplex houses at moderate rentals.
Call or write. R. A. COLEMAN. Caldwell A Graham Bldg.
Wilklns 896. 1024p 1 BEN AVON COUNTRT HOME. No. 6 Monitor 10 rooma. bath.
laundry, furnace, large porches and lot; fine neap car" and "-Hroad station; rent $42.60. SAMUEL W. BLACK Farmers Bank Building. SQUIRREL HILL. Six-room dwelling.
-Strictly modern. With caretaker's service. 00 per month. WILKINSBURG REAL ESTATE TRUST COMPANY. Wood st.
and Penn ave. Bell Phone 1400 Wllklna 1024p ONLY $25 00. Dandy 4-room and bath brick cottage, paved street, close to 3 line, of cara exartlv 16 minutes to downtown, nice furnish, deco- fine front porch, ete. located Beehvie- wiouww inwin, range, cement cellar, c- p- box 1024p SOUTH HILLS. 3741 AMMAN ST.
One-half square from West Liberty It minutes' car ride from downtown. Brick 6 rooms, bath, etc. Possession at once $30. FRANK T. LAUINGER.
440 Fourth ave. 1024p TO LET $24. Good k. house, six rooma bath. 8888 Liberty, nr.
89th st 1 Get our Rent List COMMONWEALTH REAL ESTATE CO. Commonwealth Bldg. Fourth ave lQgklgfn TO LET DORMONT. Duplex First floor; 6 rooms and bath; hot water heat; only $36.0 per month. ARTHUR WESSEL, 426 Fourth ave Potomac ave.
and Broadway, Dormont, -1021n TO LET New duplex. Kambacb et, ML Washington, flve rooma bath, refrigerator room, hardwood throughout: front and rear porches and- lawns, furnaces; 16 minutes from city. Inquire 360 Bailey ave. Telephone Hill 90L 1024wp NOW ONLY $2500. Crafton; fine location; rooms, bath, paved street; close to cars; laundry: all conveniences.
See this quick.1 Phon 201 -J Crafton, MILLVALE Eight room house end four room ovum, ioi zvxisv on finest paved street In Mill vale. ccuimny located total income To close an estate $4,000. Schwarta. 314 Grant Millvale 919wfb EDGEWOOD New duplex. 8 rooms hardwood, hot water heat porchea handvto cars and station: only $27.60.
R. A. Coleman, Caldwell Graham Bldg. Wilklns 696. 1 1024p BEECH VIEW BARGAIN.
For sale, eight room brick house all conveniences, gas and electric, paved street-price $4,600. 1415 Rutherford ava 926wfa OTt a iTTfiv Cnmar avee. attractive 6-room hue ga elec- tricity. all modem conveniences, along trol- at 1024wp HirVDKHIV 7. room hlin.lA line; large grounds; rent' $30.00, worth oe.w.
j. k. nrir, a Ingram 622-R Crafton. 104n TO LET New brick. 6 room house, modem one sauare from Brookltn inson.
119 Bells Isle ave city. 140-j Locust' 1024wp FOR RENT $27.60. Bellevue brick bouse nine rooma reception hall. laundry fur- nsce. all ennvenlencea, possession NrAv i Phone Neville 1024wp DORMONT Rent three rooma bath laun- dry.
hot water heat ras snd electric; pri- vate; reference Owner. 1678 Potomac ave 1022wr BELLEVUE: $40; modern 10-room home- perfect condition: best location rh. n.v.. i puvuiviuvu. inquire 474 Bayne ave 151-R.
Neville. 1013wikfhjfhb FOR RENT Nice house, 3 rooms. Rummer kitchen, Isrge attic and place for chickens and large yard. Apply 416 Ormsby Mt 1024wp Rooms and Bath. $27.
Call 237 Park Beaver Falls SIX-ROOM house, water snd gae furnace fine location. August Huber. Fair Haven! Pa Charlerol or Washington car I024wp nni-sFa akd PUT? pf-DvnrnBnn, HOI PES ANO bLATS EVERYWHERE." CALL OR SEND FOR RENT l.iST GEORGE E. MEYERS. 450 FOURTH AVE i 124p ii, iv EE riHms and.
bath. $12 00: hot and cold water In kitchen. 1531 Woodbourne Brookllne. 1024xp tlU No. 619 Gross 6 rooms and modern bath room; new paper; Nov.
free. 104xfhe $15.06 TWO ROOMS, first floor; water gas, near downtown. Call 23 Fullerton flt tflfl. 15 6-ROOM. completely urn shed house acre ground; Evergreen Brick rd.
Mendel. Arrott Bldg. 194 wp AVALON Four rooms, bath luunary. nrst floor. 818: buff brick, corner Chestnut and oners mr reniai aurauu house or eignt rooms, oath, reception nan anl room porch, situated In a.
most deslr- able East End neighborhood; house ia newly papered, has bedroom lavatories, furnace, lot 60x120. on one of bVrt 5Lk I. i I OAKLAND TO LET. SI I Zulema 4 rooms sad bath, modern. $26 513 Zu.ems 4 rooms and usth, modern.
830 I A I If '1-1 lWI ItOl iV JAiliEO 11. I 11U.UI OUi, 111-112 Bakeweil Building. iagp GLESFIKLU- Flv. to ibt rooto nooses. Bine to twenty oar mnih ruod water In on paved streets Chart en Kriese.
Pa. FOUR ROOM HOCSE 35 Chautauqua eld -Clifton rent $10. 1023we TO LET Mis f-. a ns hilh IM l5 Washington ave. 124wb 1 NORTH SIDE TO LET $75.00 PerrysvUle 11 r.
bath, porch. vvynnurst rooms, 0.0 Buena Vista st. 10 rma bath. I dry. S4A 0W 1.
635.00 Watsonia rms. bath, attic $31.00 Sandusky 8 rms. hall. yard. 6 2 5.
00 Iarr 8 r. aa n. n. 80 w- North 6 rms. bath.
ball. rooms, bath, porch. 4 rma, attic gas. rooms, tras. yard.
rooms, gas colored). rooms, water, gas. I 0 Lincoln ave- Bellevue. 7 rma, bath. $42.60 Watsonia 6 rma, bath.
heat. $40.06 Western 6 bath. Idry, porch. S32.5 Ridge ave. 6 r.batn, heat.
Jan. eerv. $22.00 Fayette at-. 4 rooms, bath, range. $18.00 Pennsylvania 6 rms, bath, Tacaart st- room, bath.
hall. $12.00 Reedsdale sf. 6 water. T.C "9 814 Federal st North Side 1024p NORTH BIDS HOUSE ArABlSBfl IB PerrysvUle 10 rms. modern, porches, $60 Reddour et 4 rooms, hall, gas, fla Mill vale, five rooms and attic gaa 911 Minnesota it, Pittsburg, 6 rooma gas.
Chautauaua rooms. gaa. $10 Metropolitan rooma. gas. Market rooma and attic gaa.
Crafton. 4 rooma modern bouse Z0? Carrington ava. 6 rooms. modern. PerrysvUle 6 rooma duplex.
East' 5 gas. $13 East st-. 4 rooms, separate gas. $ia Simon Kirschler, 906 Federal St. 28 2617 Lin wood 7 bath.
yard. t2B 2808 Veteran 7 rma, bath, porch. $261009 Galveston bath, attic I $25 3647 California ava, 6 bath. eL It. 1 S26 2729 PerrysvUle 1 bath, etc X.c iti a wmm hat varal- 204 Dollar Saving Trust Building.
1024p FIREPROOF STORAGE We crate, ship and move household goods, lower and hoist pianos. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. OTOE EXPRESS. tit W. Diamond N.
8. Phone Cedar. lOlOwfhJpe SMALL DWELLINGS. rr zvn, 1611-18 Stead man st. brick.
4 iVV'TT" T' ntshed atUc Key CI 1 ff 1210 Glronda seeond floor. "r--MVV rooms, water and gaa AVEY IRISH. 284 COURT. FIRST NAT. BK.
BLDO. 10201Jkfn $17 PerrySVllle Ave. DlSt. $17- -one squars from three car lines; posseeston onoe. HORNER DAUBENSPECK, 891 Federal St.
1024p NEW DUPLEX. PerrysvUle ava district, five hardwood finish, etc Rent $28. KENNEDY LANGSDALE, 6066 Jenkins Arcade 1024p $30 KENNEDY AVE. $30 Modern house, seven rooms, hath, hail allison co T. C.
ALLISON 814- Federal st 1024P FOUR ROOMS. bath. laundry. cabinet mantela hot and cold water In kitchen. bath, porch, nice yard.
8 minutes walk from carllne, Wabash and Mallne sta. North Side. near Duquesne ave. Rent $16. Phone 652-R ceaar iZ4xp TO LET Two large room, and kitchen: all newly Daoered: water, ru and chicken coop; one suite $10, and other $12.
Inquire H. a. i locaer, znz tiowara im. uts burg. 1023xr 6-ROOM DWELLING with bath; $16.00 per month: 814 South ave CHARLES A.
EC KM AN 432 Wood st 1020lkfr WOODS RUN 648 Six room house bath, gaa up-to-date, healthy location, opposite Rlvervlew park. Rent $17 Inquire J. Davie premises. 1024xp TO LET House of rooms, gaa water. large yard, $8.
Inquire at 100 Melrose N. 8. 1QZ4XD EAST END TO LET NEGLEY DISTRICT. Craftsman House. 6649 Callowhill near N.
Negley practically new six room brick house, hardwood floora beam celling In dining, very at tractively finished throughout Short walkJ to Hiland Park and excellent schools. Gooal car service. Rent $47.60. Kelly-Wood Real Estate CENTER AND HILAND. 1024p 5649 Callowhill $47-50.
Very choice Highland Park location, seven rooms and tile bath; everything new. hardwood floora modem furnace low gaa bills; see It today; key next door. KELLY-WOOD REAL ESTATE Center and Highland, East End. 10t4p $60. SQUIRREL HILL $60.
Two new duplexea of 7 rooms, sun parlor, front and rear porchea bath, hot water heating. Individual laundries: fine decorations; china closets, bookcases; lawns and walks cared for by owner; 6646-60 Northumberland, nr. Wlghtman. F. E.
McGllllck. 303 East End Trust bldg. 1024wp TO LET $28. 7222 Travel la near Lincoln brick house 8 rooms, bath, gae newly papered. R.
A. McCREADY, 201 Highland E. E. Phone 146 Hiland. 1024p LINCOLN AVE.
1803. comer Lemlngton, large house seven rooms and bath, attic, laundry, furnace, big yard all around house garage In good condition, suitable tenant can get long term lease; rent $40. reduction until May 1st In- quire on premises. 1034xp TO LET $35. Sherwood at.
Sheridan. -New. modem house. 6 rooms and bath, hardwood Moors, laundry, hot water heating, nice porch. To early tenant rental to May $30.
See COMMONWEALTH REAL ESTATE CO, Commonwealth 4th Ave TO LET $60. 19 room, modern brick, near East Liberty street cars and railroad station. Ideal boarding or rooming house REED WILKINS. 139 S. Highland "ave 1024p TO LET $50.
843 N. St Clair st. near Stanton ave brick house 10 rooms, bath, gaa furnace. R. A.
McCREADY, 201 Highland E. E. Phone 146 Hiland. llfp TO LET New 7-room bouses, living room style, to be peen-ls-to be appreciated; immediate oossessiion rent reasonable In. quire 6047 St Marie st.
East End. I 1024xe $25 6612- tarvara orica, rms. nun. $37 4 rooma oavxx. iwrcucB, ib uxte cuouiuon 7 Co mis a t-.
Tit. jr st. a at A. O. PYLE.
-Highland Bldg. i Coll Totten. 5945 Penn Ave. HI4p FOR RENT Ftve new hoasn, contain ng seven rooms and two baths: hot water heat snd all latest Improvements, located on Beacon-st. between Murray and Wlghtman ft Phone 1 766-J Schenley.
lQltwhkfP- TO LET 8 18 Elgin ave. at End; lO-- room brick boose: three batba Fidelity Title Trust Pittsburg. Pa tttfrwljfr ADiitm Wvnhurst 9 modern, pnrcnes. Perrvavllle 10 rma. modern.
porches.75 Arch st. 10 rooms, modern, brick. 15 West View, new 6 rooms attic, modern $25 $18 $18 $17 $26 SIS in $34 $18 $30 i to to It 1 Success Gas Furnace. cm Wtu Itietal the Success Gas Fernaea 1U twe rectatera. gaa fitting and all complete, $20.
Will bent six rooms. L. E. Beers Fur-nace Office and Factory. Boetn Ave, Wllktnaburg Dovniown SaJwsreem.
240 Fourth Ave Phone i-W Wllklna. 10tp SOME BARGAINS. CI Traft seoms, inside closet, frame, slate roof, lot XOxlOO; porvut good repair; worth ll.twO; terms. touts, to car line. onn Fine level lot.
Ardxttira plan. OUU square from care, street paved, sewered. Cost 11,100 6 year g- QAA Floe solid brick house en ntun ave 8 rooma slats roe, bath, porches, cement cellar; worth $., bat for quick tale wilt take I $604 down, be4-- aare $85.00 per month. 4 CfYL 4-room mudera brick houses. pd Mreeu level let; resting for $51.6 per month- Owner lives in California and will se-riflce for $1,600 below vaiaei mortgage 18,000.
balance cash. I.VGOLD ROBEUtTd, 4003 Jenkins A read a 1084wp SHERADEN. Brick, eight rooms, bath, oeal fanuioe, hardwood, floora, gas and electrte Us'ite, surrounded by prettiest gardes la Shoradeaw Ideal level lot. 61x100. on paved st In six-room houses picked from a big list a the best bargains In Sbereden, we have, the, following prices, $2,800, 18.100.
$8,100, $8,800. $4,000. $4.1 0a. $4,600. Most ef' these are on paved street, the last four are brick.
Lots 16, 80, 60 and 76 feet wide. ARENTS REAL ESTATE. 609 Keystone bldg. Phone Court I0L 1024 YOUR OWN BUNGALOW. Those Forbes Manor home, are selling.
Why? Becsuse yeu get brand nsw house finished to your own order at away below what you eouid produce It for yourself aad on eaay terms; all streete and sidewalks completed; tapestry brick and cement living room style, seven rooms besides pantry and big bath room; hardwood throughout; No, 643 la sold. Call at 612 East End ava House open. Penn ave. or Forbes st. ears.
JOHN F. SWEENY, OU ER, 1001 Diamond Bank. Building. 1624fhe INGRAM, Seven room and bath frame, newly painted, electrio lights, cement cellar, coal furnace, lot 60x120: street paved; three minutes to car-line, four minutes to train. Act quick If you want a bargain.
Price $3,800. FORD CAMERON, 861 ARROTT PITTSBURG. PA. 1034p SOUTH HILLS New brick and shlnale living room -vpe, 6 rooms, sun parlor, bath, gaa electric light, cement cellar and walks. Lot 60x100.
Price easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK Farmers Bank Building. 1024p Gtose Station Ben Frame flve rooma bath, electrio light, gaa. laundry, paved street; vard all around; rent $27.
Inquire today. 237 Park Ben Avon. Phone 1067-M Neville. 1021wb FOR SALE Modern seven room house; slats roof, hot and cold water, bath, large reception hall, ctement laundry slate taps, cement walks around house, three finished attic rooms, larce front and bark notch, electric tight, lot 36x110. Call at 669 Orchard Bellevue.
Pa, -owner leaving city, price very reasonable; no agent. 1024xp $3,200, BEECH VIEW. Brfck veneer, no shlnglea five rooms, bath, gas and electric light, Modern from cement cellar to slate roof Lot level near wner not iooa ing tor nig pront. mpietea it to eeu the lot. Write 12.
Press office. 1024P To Save-Foreclosure of Mortgage Widow must sacrifice for the amount of debt. $14,000. a beautiful brick apartment building, all rented to good tenants. Never vacant Total rent $1,740 per year.
Quick action Is Write 68. Press of-flee. l24wp FINE BUSINESS PROPERTY on Forbes st near Schenley Farms; excellent location; best future of any property in Pittsburg today; owner Willi sell at reasonable figure or exchange for clear Income property or high clase well located, vacant In good pa rt of town on paved street Write .722 Frlck Bldg. 1023wb BARGAINS; OVTERBROOK 6 room' brick and shingle bungalow, all modem conveniences; large lot easy termS. FAIRH AVEN 6 room frame, city water, bath, gaa; lot 66x137; small payment down, balance as rent Write 3.
Press ntnee 1024p INGRAM. Brick veneer, flve rooms, bath, furnace, near cars, brings $26 per month rent Pries $2,500. A One investment Also -six room brick on paved street modem to the minute $4.500. Write A 9, Press office. McKinley Knoxville.
New buff brick end shingle eeml-bungalow of seven rooma and bath. Up-to-date Lot 82x100 to a 20 foot alley. Will sacrifice for $4,950. Terms can be arranged. Write 73.
Press office. 1024wp WILKINSBURG. House, with all modern conveniences: 19 rooms, bath, furnace and laundry; lot SSx 100; convenient to care $5,000. Wilklns 770-R. AVALON BARGAIN.
Fine six room frame house and attic with all Improvements; best location; $2,509 equity for $1,800 If sold now; must be -sees to be appreciated. Write 57. Press offflce 1024wp BROOKLINE. $22-50. Five-room separate brick house, bath, cemented cellar, laundry trays, porches; close to-car line: Immediate possession; Brookllne car, get off at Fleming stop.
402 Jtllsoa ave Homer. 622 Jenkins Arcade. 1024WB PRICE $7,500. Close In bar earn 12 minutes to elty, five car lines, no noise or smoke Solid brick, i rooms, modem throughout, lot 60x100. Best neighborhood In the county.
Will mako terms. Write 60. Prx office 1024p i. boose, seven rooms, bath, every modem eon. venlence; excellent location, near cars; largs level lot paved street: $4,900.
Phone owner. Locust 960-J. 1024wp SACRIFICE FOR QUICK. SALE. Iruquesne Heights house and lot near tnv-dine and care 6 rooma and bath room, street paved.
level lot. 24x1 20. Will sell this week at reduced price. Wm. F.
Walsh, 1211 Grandvlew sve. l24wp BELLEVUE Two modern frame houses, best section Rodgers ave. good Investment; never been empty: larger house will make good duplex: near cars; $7900; equity $3,200. balance mortgage. Write 6.
Press office l24wr HOMEWOOD. ynr Modem eight room brick dwel-rWjU Ung. receotirm hall: little cah needed. FULTON. 406 Union Bank Bldg.
102 4 wp 4 FA RNS WORTH 526 Five rooms and bath, bulit-ln ehlna closet omWnatton chandeliers, cabinet manteia laundry trays, nice "front porch, all in good cond tkm. $24 pet month. Owner. 425 South Rebecca sr. Telephone Hilani 1562-R.
l24xr CRAFTON HEIGHTS Beautiful home almost new. close to care and city immediate possession; will sacrifice for $2,859. $359 cash. Write 70. Press office.
1924wp FOR SALE Cheap, brick house; rooms. two balla porches, attic, pantry; two lots la McKees Rocks. Inquire 1316 Baaksvilie ave. Baaksvliie or Bell phone 277-M 2 rings Locust. 1023wb KOR SALE Eight-room brick 4ouse; bath I on car line; 1 'minutes to Carnegie U- fbrary and University-, lot 25x166: price rea- diats sale Wrt2wif- tOt: NT SQUARE, near ave.
East End district Nearly new thoroughly modem 11-room center hall brick; big bar-i gain at $6,600. on terms. Write 52. Press office. Hllwn I j.Oi KK I FOR SALE House ef rooma lot 44x100.
at No. T727 Edrenoa are. Inquire Oeorge Gliaener. 424 Kelly Wtikip-fcorg Pa 14wr MODERN Puff brick. Ingram, at 60 per cent of cost of building mortgage l.i00.
equify Jl.iicO; cash required $600. Write ii. Prese office DORMONT 7-roocn frame, bath aad Saush-- ed lot 64X10S: bargain. If yes) saoaa liuiliiaos tail eeaer. Isacmsl 884VR.
lasesrp Our Free Kent List Ansonia. IKS SO A MnVTTI Soundproof and fireproof apartments of nix rooms and ath, with steam heat, hardwood floor, electric light, etc Located In the Ansonia Apta. 662-660 Maryland ava. East End. Rlenheim.
150.00 A MONTH, traltes of six rooms and bath, with efeam heat, laundry space, hardwood floors, modern In all details. Located In the Blenheim Gross and Friendship East End. Den slow. 60.00 TO $32.60 A MONTH. Five rooms and hath, with every convenience, Including hot water heat, front porch for each suite, etc Situate on car line Just 20 minutes from city.
Located in the Denslow Apta. 3634 California North Bide. Fraser. 126.00 TO $0 00 A MONTH. Suites of four and five rooms andt hath, with every convenience.
Attractive apartments, Situate In good neighborhood and convenient to cars and railroad. Located In the Fraser Apta. Homewood ave. and Kelly at-. East End.
Real -r COURT 10. APARTMENTS. McPHERSON, 6730 MCPHERSON BLVD. Nrwly decorated, center hall. Uht on all Bides.
iso Second floor. 6 rooms, tile batn "Js5 Third floor, 6 rooms, tile LOUISE, 89 KNOX KNOXVILLE. First floor. 4 rooms, bath Second floor, 4 rooms, bath. FRANK T.
LAU1NGER, iin ennrh ave.i 1024p IDA APARTMENTS. 6721 M'PHERSON BLyp. Suites of Ave rooms and bath. sun parlor, built-in bed. dressers cases; vacuum cleaning "vlce different from all others and must' be seen to be ap preciated, open lor rasiretiiuu AVFV Rr IRISH.
284 Court- FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. WILKINSBURG-EDGEVS OQD I have several fine 3, 4 and 5-room apartments ready. Call or write. R. A.
COLEMAN, CaldweU Bldg. Wllklnn B9S. 10z4p SUO SHADYSIDE. SPLENDID MODERN APARTMENT. Six rooms and bath, hot water heat large porch; about 4 squares from Shadyside station.
J. J. MCALLISTER, 604 Mageo Building. Court S435. i 1024p STEAM HEATED APT.
McKEE PLACE. -Four rooms, bath, range, hot water heat. Janitor service; rent' $28. SAMUEL W. BLACK Farrrlers Bank Building.
1024p THE PANAMA. Ellsworth and Maryland avea Fire and sound proof. Six rooms, two baths and maid's room. Freehold Real Kstate 311 Fourth ave. 1024p NEVILLE APARTMENT.
DWELLINGS. 652 Neville Bear Fifth 6 and 7 room suites, all improvements, porches and large grounds; call on premises qi phone Schenley 1004 or Court 3437. lOSwfhb PLACES TO LTVE. 8 room duplex. Squirrel Hill.
4 room Frankstown and 22.50 4 room 686 Larimer 20.00 JT. E. Mcolllick. E. E.
Trust bldg. BotM phones 1024wfhr NORTH SIDE. Four rooms, bath, porch. $25.00. Freehold Real Estate 811 Fourth ave.
1024p APARTMENTS. Collins five roomtf. heat. Janitor service, large storage rooms. Special concession for balance of J.
A. YOUNG 128 Highland 'city. 1024p ALBERT APARTMENTS. Stevenson and Colwell neitr Fifth desirabf apartments or five rooms, modern fixtures; reasonable rent; immediate possession. Inquire office, Newell's hotel.
1017wfb APARTMENT. Second floor, brand new. six rooms, bath and kitchenette, hot water heat; corner Dormont and Wain bell. Owner occupies first floor. Call Locust 802.
lQ24wp Small Hiland Dist. Apt. Two rooms, kitchenette, bath, laundry, light, heat for hall; both phones, private porch. 6 minutes Penn and Hiland. 6726-J Hiland.
1024xp UPPER APARTMENT of duplex house, six rooms, bath, pantry and 'large front poich; nice large lawn in rear; near trunk car lines, 20 minutes from Pittsburg postofflce. Call 42S-L HUL or 137 Margaret ML Oliver. 1022wkfhr 5800 WELLESLET AVE! rooms, bath, steam electric lights, laundry. $50 7 r.oms. bath, steam heat, electric lights, laundry.
1024wp COLORED FOLKa Best two-room apartment in the city. 424 Mathilda $10.00. KELLY-WOOD REAL ESTATE Center and Highland. 1024a IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a five-room modern apartment in best location In for $35. come and look It over today.
The Akron. Craig and Center. Phone 6700 Hlghlanc. ask for Metcalf a 1024wp APA ENT Four rooms and bath, all outside rooms. Just papered.
$20. Get away from the dirt. Beecbvlew Realty Bwhiiew. 1024wp COZY three- rooms and bath apartment, electric lights, steam heat, rent present tenant leaving city. Dorothy 1213 Mill 1021xh NORTHSIDE APARTMENTS North Side Apartments.
6.0 Tagg-rt 2 rooms, sjas water. 7.00 Sawmill alley. 2 rooms and water. 9.00 Brighton pi. Ext.
3 g. colored $10.00 Botiaventure 3 r. and water. $10.50 Taggart 3 r. bath, gas water.
811.00 Chester ave. 3 r. b. g. prch.
water. 12.o0 Western 2 r. b. gas water. $15.00 Henderson st 4 r.
b. Ji. c. water. $15.00 Manhattan st.
4 b. gas water. S16.00 Clifton Park. 4 b. water, porch.
$15.00 Western 6 r. bath, gas water. $18.00 Brighton 4 r. b. gas water.
$17.50 Buena Vista st. 3 r. b. elee lights. $23 O0--Pennsylvania 4 r.
steam heat $25.00 Burd 4 r. bath, gas. laundry, etc. $35.00 PerrysvUle 5 r. bath.
el. Its. Idv $42.50 Watson blvd. 6 r. St.
heat, all md Estate 516 Federal N. S. 1024p 45.00 PerrysvUle ave. 7 rooms, bath, elec-trlc. light, hot water heat, vacuum cleaning system.
Orleans su. 6 rooms, bath, electric liehts. hot water heat, $37.60 Wilson ave, 5 rooms, bath, electric light, steam heat furnished $32.60 Buena Vista 6 rooms, bath, electric light. $26.00 Jarbola 6 rooms, bath, electric light 329.00 F.splanade 4 rooms, bath. gas.
jit no Broadway. 4 rooms, bath and gaa Earner. Danbcnspcclc 301 Fed-ral SO 1024p (3S.0S Apt. 6 rooms and bath. 3d floor.
laundry. Janitor; H-awetba avew. N. S. $12.60 -Double hse.
4 rooma bath, near S-Ben Avon station. Spruce at- COOK LAND CC JMANY. Church Ben Avon. Phones 679 and U40-R Neville will surely appeal to you may we mail one ail Oakland. $35.00 TO $42.50 A MONTH.
Suites of five rooms and bath, with steam heat, electric light. Janitor service, freight elevator, etc Located Oakland Forbes and Halket Just 18 minutes to city. Old Heidelberg. $60.00 A MONTH. Suite of six rooms and bath, with conveniences in distinctive building- of Dutch Architecture tastefully decorated.
Located In Old ave. and Waverly at. Ovirlookl $60.00 A MONTH. Splendid apartment of six rooms bath, with steam heat, sun parlor, hardwood floors, electric light, all conveniences. Located In the Overlook Center ave.
and Brya wr road. Wel1inrtnn $40.00 A MONTH. Suites of live and six rooms and tils bath, electric tight, heat furnished, laundry, etc. Located In Wellington Sycamore Bt. Mount Washington.
Just a few minutes from town- AT FOURTH. BJUSINESS STANDS Here Is An Opnortunity TO LEASE! THE FOURTH FLOOR OF THUS Press Building, 254 Fifth Ave. STEAM HEAT AND ELEVATOR. Rates one-half of those charged for simitar accommodations In the large office building Good advertising possibilities and distinct Individuality. For particulars see Reai Estate Company, rf Pittsburg.
WOOD AND FOURTH. 80Jfhe Fireproof WaretomsCo Penn Near Ninth St. New six-story fireproof building. 40x110; sprinkling system; two elevators, lavatories; plenty of light; fine alley In rear. Low rent, C.
C. McKALLIP Twelfth Floor. First National Bank 1024p TO LET. NEW. riTTCT Most centrally located OUC3IIE.OO fit Nr Smlthfleld St.
HOTIF Strong building; 4 floors. Elevator. Immediate posa Only $2,200 per yr. COMMONWEALTH REAL ESTATE CO-Commonwealth Fourth Ave. TO LET $2,000.
MODERN STORE. 104 Federal North Side. Reduced rate to May to Permanent tenant. See COMMONWEALTH REAL ESTATE Commonwealth Fourth Ave. LARGE STORE ROOM.
Desirable for any retail business; heated by hot water; large cemented cellar, plate glass front; high class retail neighborhood: reasonable rent to good tenant. J. J. MCALLISTER, 604 Mageo Court I486. 1024p TO LET apaoe In grocery store for meat wffi.r t1" KO Rebecca 1DXHVSIU oui.Liv.OAl.
cellar, fine location for aro-orlffln sta. Mt. Wih nn i N. S. E.
HALL, finely eoulmwri room. L. Johnson, Secy, Keystone Bldg. lUZ4wp STORE with living rooms, wanted for. aro-eery; South Hills district; rent not over 35.O0.
Write 72. Press office. I024wp BUTCHER SHOP for rent, In grocery store. Call Hiland 2301. 1024xn "KESS WHEN ANSWKM- CITY AND SUBURBAN TO LET.
$66 728 N. Beatty brick, rooms, bath, steam heat, garage etc 9 66 430 Lincoln frame, 12 rooms, bath, garage, etc. 733 N. Beatty st- brick, 8 rooms, bath, furnace, etc. $46 6727 Thomas frame, 15 rooms, bath, hot air furnace, garage.
$80760 Sherwood ava, Sheridan, new-brick house. 6 rooma tile bath, laundry, steam heat, etc $80 1429 Kenbenna Beechvlew, frame, 6 rooms, bath, etc $30 2741 Amman et, Brookllne, brick. rooms, bath, etc $26 1844 Fifth ava. first floor, rooms, bath, suitable for a doctor. $25 1844 Fifth ave.
second floor, rooms, bath. $26 Starkamp Brookllne, 2nd floor, new duplex. 6 rooms, bath. $26 3309 Webster frame; 7 rooms, attic, bath, etc $20 642 Second rooma bath. $19 223-2925 Bedford ave.
brick. 6 rooma, bath, etc $18 2012 brah trd floor, 4 rooms, bath. $17 1073 Herron ave, frame. 7 rooma $164232 Lydia second floor, ,4 rooma bath. etc.
$18 1215 Decatur brick, 8 rooms. FRANK T. LAUINGER. 440 Fourth Ave 1024p South side Homes. $20 21-26-27 CLIMAX ST.
Two-story frame of rooma bath, hot water, gaa, two porches, ete well located near cars; convenient to downtown. 820 402 SIMMS ST. Two-story frame dwelling of six rooms, bath, hot water, gae range, eta Situate on Mt Washington, Just overlooking downtown, and just 10 minutes from heart of city. Real Estate Gompanv of Pgh. WOOD AND FOURTH.
1024p TO LET $13- 34 Vine near Reed st, 4 rooma in good order, location convenient ALSO $21. 67 Crawford Bt. 8 rooms, bath. ALSO $25. 14 Shlngiss st.
nr. Forbee 6 rooma Get our printed list. COMMONWEALTH REAL ESTATE Commonwealth Fourth ave. TO LET. Dormont Duplex, 5 rooms, bath, well finished: everything no to date; $40 per month.
Flnrmnnl Brick dwelling of 9 rooms; Lormoill hardwood finish; only $45 per month. ARTHUR VESSEL, 426 Fourth ave. Potomac and Broadway, Dormont 1024p UPTOWN DWELLINGS. $30 Fifth flve rma. bath, range $22 Imbard 6-rm.
brick; bath, porch. $20 Wick st. 6 rma. large yard liobinson 6 rma. bath, porch.
817 Edna st. 4 gas. yard, ete $16 Watson 8 rma. ens, etc. tst floor.
$14 Flftn 3 rma. bsth. range CALL FOR RENT LIciT NOAH REALTY 1712 Fifth ave 1024tp WILKINSBURG. 1454 FOLIAGE -Near James brick house of eight rooms and bath, all conveniences; Immediate possession. RENT $30.00 PER MONTH.
EUGENE S. REILLY 430-432 Fourth Ave. "l024p OAKLAND DISTRICT $22 Six rooms in first-class condition; bath, porches and yards. D. P.
REI' MARH ESTATE. Fifth ave. Reymer Entrance 4th Floor. 1034p FOR RENT RIDGE AVE, CRAFTON. PA.
Nine-room brick and stone house with all modem convenience on street car line, handy to railroad station will rent for $S0 per month. For full particulars call Bell phone llt-R Carnegie I924wp WOOD, NORTH SIDE APARTMENTS $25 Buena Vista St. Flat $25. New, modern four-room flat; newly papered. Very nice.
Simon Kirschler, 906 Federal St. 1024P FIRST rXoOK. 5 rooms; Becond floor, 3 rooms, baths, gas, electric lights, laundry, porches. 1112 Fayette North Side. l20wb HERB'S a snap; new prtvste duplex, finest in the city; heated, other furnishings.
Phone 1(472 -J lirant. OFFICE AND DESK ROOM HAHT.IK OFFICE RTTILDINQ. First ave. and Wood St. A few choice offices in this modern office building.
The low rental at which these offices can be had make them attractive to tenants who require large, well-lighted space at small expense. See Renting Agent. room 801 HA RTJE OFFICE BUILDING, or GEORGE E. MEYERS, 450 FOURTH AVE. 1024P WANTED Desk room; downtown office building; first Class only; with or without desk; use of telephone and stenographer; state terms.
Write 30. Press office. 1024wp Nl' Fl.Y furnished office; has desk space, with or without desk; phone service. 608 Peoples Saviugs Bank bldg. Phone 730 Court- 1024 wp Dfc.SK ROOM with or without desk In nicely appointed auite; girl In attendance.
1410 Keonan bldg. Phone Grant 309. 1024wp PORTION of office. 4105 Jenkins Arcade, reasonable rental handsome solid mahogany desk and other furniture for sale. 1024wp lO LET a know you can.
get a good roll top desk for one-half cost by calling at 206 Market st. 1024p DENTIST A doctor will share office with dentist, downtown office building Write 60. Press office. 1024wp ton SALE One flat top desk and chair; In good condition; price $10.00. 6909 Rlp-pev East End.
1024xp FOR RENT Ofllce space. Room 24. 12 Federal st- Call Cedar 9319. 1024xp HALF of office in down town building to let. Write 6.
Press office. 102 3 we DESK SPACE, all conveniences, kins Arcade bldg. 6061 Jen-1024 wp Id LET room. 323 Fourth ave. 105 Vandergrlft 1024wp MENTION THE PRESS WHEN ANSWERING ADS FARMS TO LET FARM TO LET, 12' to 25 acres.
new ground, new buildings; part of my farm. Apply P. J. Rellly. Box 127, Sharpsburg.
No. 2. 1024xp STABLES. GARAGES TO LET FINE GARAGE to let, cement floor, water, gas. fireproof; rent reasonable.
1233 Palo Alto N. a 1024xp MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Manicuring taole, new. Including chairs. $1 per week. Call business hours.
Cedar 9319. 1024xp FURNISHED HOUSES AND APARTMENTS Well-Located Furnished Shadyside residence, choice district, convenient to street cars; 10 rooms, 2 baths, large reception hall, hardwood floors, finished In white and mahogany; nicely furnished throughout; Inst, water beater; reasonable rent; possession at once. Write 26, Press office. 1024p SQUIRREL HILL. Elegantly furnished rooms in private home In very best residence street of Squirrel Hill, for one or more gentlemen.
Pleasant associations for right parties in family of two. Terms reasonable. Phone Hiland 34. 1024fle FURNISHED BUNGALOW. SLx rooms, nicely furnished.
In heart of Squirrel HilL Convenient to three car lines. Call 4604-J Hiland or come out to 6678 Wood well near Dallas ave. 1024wp FOR RENT Three or four furnished rooms and bath. Gas, electric 'light and furnace. Three squares from North Highland and Penn 6707 Rippey at.
family going south. 1024xp WE RENff evcliislve furnished nartments, housekeeping and bachelor suites. THE COMMERCIAL SERVICE. S06 East End Trust Bldg Hiland 6277. 1024xb BUSINESS woman would like some one (employed, preferred) to share a small furnished apartment.
Oakland district: best reference. Call 1421-J Schenley. 'or write 61 Parkview ave. FOR RENT In East Lllerty district, completely furnished four-room apartment: convenient to trains and street cars. Or will rent unfurnished.
Address S8, Press office 24Tvn LADY with nicely furnished home in Bellevue, will share house with business woman or ynunr couple: rent reasonable: every convenience and close to cars. AV'rite 7, Prews office. 1024vo MARGARETTA 663R Furnished bachelor apartment; four rooms, bath; East Liberty: handy all cars; meals optional; unlimited phone. 022wkfe THREE nicely furnished rooms, reception hall, private bath, electric ligM, steam heat. Call Monday.
Schenley 1578-R. 1 n4, HOMEWOOD 511 Well furnished four room apartment, piano and all conveniences, reasonable Hiland 4356-R. BEAUTIFI'LLY furnlshea house. Negley of 12 rooms. 3 bathe billiard room In basement, from Nov.
1 to May 1. Write 237. East End Press office. 1019xb $16 6 ROOMS, gas. porch, paved afreet large lot, n-ar cars.
Nunnery Hill; high, healthy location; beautiful view. Mendel. 71 Arrott Bldg. 1024wp Fl'KNISHED cozv house 6 rooms and bath, for rent for the winter. East End.
Highland 1024wp FURNISHED Squirrel Hill apartment: 4 rooms, bath, fine location; or single rooms. Wr'te vX 65 Pr ss i-ffl, m.i BUSINESS STANDS TO LET SMALL STOREROOM. $35. Suitable for hews or fruit stand, at Esst Liberty station, on- a lively traveled street. REED WILKINS.
139 High a a DANCING CLASS. We have a rood light room for dancing class 20 by 70. In -ew bui'dlner F. G. CONLEY COMPANY.
PHOXK-17 1K-ir TO LET- xS0. living rooms above wth burn eleotrlc lights water, furnace, etc. sultnhle for grocery racket des'rable Iocs 'ion In' Newton 9,. Adlr' A. Flester.
N-wton Falls Ohio tOfiwn STORE Brx" eight rooma Msln st and corner. Elliott; rent $30. One month's rent free Apply 80S Lyceum Pittsburg. 1024wp EXECUTOR'S SALE. CRAFTON TERRACE.
FOUR LOTS, LEVEL, FRONTAGE 100X100 TO ALLEY. $1,200, Worth $2,000. FINE BUNGALOW SITE Or good Investment for small dwellings; three blocks to four car lines: 20 minutes city; one block to school house clear property; must be sold. F. Y.
OVER, FOR ESTATE, Arrott Building-, Fourth and Wood St. 1024p DON'T PAY RENT. $60 down, balance monthly, will buy a nice, up-to-date home, 20 minutes from town, six rooms, bath, two attle rooms, lot perfectly level to an alley, only 169 feet to paved street. Price $3,100. worth $8,600.
Don't hesitate and let some one beat your- this chance to own your own home when mere rent will buy It. You can rent out and let your tenant buy you the property. write frees emce. izp Let Me Build You a Home on Easy Payments. I have two level Iota 20 minutes rids from postofflce; beautiful location; nice street, with gas.
water, electric light and rS 4 vT?" JtZ build you a home on them and you Write owner. 77. p- 1019b AVALON. BEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED. $8,600 Buff brick house, seven rooms.
bath, laundry, beautiful location, overlook- ln rtver. paved near station, see T. A. GIBSON CO' 618 West Diamond North Side. 1024P S.
HILLS. $200 down, balance monthly, bays a brick bnngalow. six rooms -with beautiful tile flnnr. hand nalnted ems and electric chandeliers, and everything V. h.hV.
a contractor could think of to make his home modern. Only two years old. Can't even pay taxes, op, against It, so must sacrifice Write 8. Press office 1024p Out-of-Town Owner Sacrifices City Bunsralow $400 Loss. New six room brick and shingle psved street beautiful old trees, fine nelgbbor- hwwfi lines.
90 minutes, to do 111 office $30 month. Phone Court 8403. Ad- dress privately. 17, Press office 1024wp DORMONT. Brick house, eight rooms and bsth.
Ow- tng to death of husband widow will sacrt- Am a heautlful new modem home furnace. electric lights, gaa Worth every bit of 0 on paved street Write 18. Press office 1024p MUST SELL My property consisting of flve brick houses located on a corner lot RENTAL $1,500 PER YEAR. Price $12,000. Terms arrangea satisTac- tory.
For full particulars write 48. press KNOXVILLE HOME. New buff brick center hall house of eight rooms end tile bath. Modem In every respect Cement garage. Lot 65x110.
Comer of two good paved streets. Value $8,000. Will sell for $6,600. Only $2,000 cash necessary WrWe 89. Press office 1024wp TO LET.
EAST END TO LET LIVING ROOM HOUSES. $42.00. Ridgevtlle st. Squirrel H1IL Modem house of six rooms and bath, all hardwood floora Will be complete Nov. 16 and Dee.
$4500. Only one left In one of the beet groups of houses on Squirrel HUL. Six large light rooms. Good sized yaraa Caretaker. $48.00.
Win. Pitt blvd. New house oij six rooms and bath. G. CONLEY COMPANY, 69S1 Ave 1024p HOUSES.
Ridgevtlle st, near Wilklns New Craftsman rooma living' room tree, hardwood floora. modem d- ftfl tnrougnimi -r Kirniuui mii modern $375 Stanton new living room type dwelling. 8 rooms, 2 baths, hardwood 6111 Stanton ave, brick 19 d-QJ 5Q rooma. ree halt hardwood floors. -P00-00 J.
A. YOUNG 123 3. Highland ave Pittsburg, Pa. 1024fHe FOR RENT. (50 00 9 roomed, reception hall house Collins near Highland park.
Will reduce rent to May 1st. 350.00 Chtslett brfck. 10 rooms. $40.00 Black st brick. 9 rooms.
$27.50 Faragnt st, 7 rooms) and bath. $22.00 Thompson st, 4 rooms and bath. FLATS $25.99 Klncald st, 4 rooma and bath. $25.09 Murtland ave. 6 rooms and bath.
Immediate pesseMslon of all properties. WILSON, 6011 Center ave. 4268 Pens ave 1024p TO LET $23, 1781 Verona ave, near Lincoln are, brick house, 8 rooms, bath, ras, front PrCh" R. A. McCREADY, 291 Highland BldgB.
E. Phoae 14C EUasd. TO LET 2. 3 N- MathUdi. u.
near Penn ave. brick. 6 roonwettlc. bath gas. R.
A. McCREADY, 201 Highland Bldg, E. E. Phone 146 Hiland. TO LET Three-roomed house rear of 71 Pride st gas required rent sii mintn.
Tg4-P TO LET Shady 10-room house, bath, laundry, front and back porches. l23xe $27 SIX room house; modern, near Center and Negley aves Inquire No 4 Hagv p'ace lOlt-wb FIVE ROOM house. Squirrel Hill. 820. in-.
ij'r r. pr-- 1 1 st ror- ghadr: can fee seen tsnnaay. xezuwp rv i rvorxn Blue See D. S. LIGGETT, 807 Fourth ava, city.
1024p FO ROCM A PA RTM ENT SUMMER LB A AND ELL WOOD STS. Second and third floor apartments of four nice large light rooms; steam beat and Janitor service furnished; conveniently located to half dozen car lines, and only a few minutes walk to Roup railroad station: rent $36. KELLY-WOOD REAL EBTATEJ Center and Hiland. 4141kfgs DUPLEX DWELLING. i Four rooma tile bath, porch, hardwood floors, refrigerator, "tractive lawns.
for without expense to the tenant: sltuata pi. and Bates at. Inquire of super- lntendent on Premises or SAMUEL W. BLACK Farmers Bank Bulldlhg, 1024p EAT CHICKEN DAILY. To Let 312.
dwelling, five rooma. In extra 5w conuiuon; rresn, clean, healthy neigh- borhood; near West End; near car line. Also four-room apartments In dnnln. twelve and nine dollars. John Gallagher.
808 Frlcfc bldg. 1024 wf hi Bellow Batata St: Four brand new bouses, ready Nov. flve rooma bath, sun parlor, cemented cellar. laundry, range, gas and electric Owner will he st houses Sunday. 2 to 4 p.
m. 7: 328woo: -rr-. i 1 9 wooa Modern bouth Hills Residence, of seven rooms snd bath with s-aa water large laundry with stationary tuba heater In cellar, porches, fruit trees and chicken uvuse or garage tot lenced In with wire Inquire Johnston. Locust 181-R or call personally at 1924 War nock st Rent $80. 1024wp TO LET $28.
66 Congresa st house six rooma ALSO 187 Elm st. six rooma at $80. Get our printed list COMMONWEALTH REAL ESTATE CO. Commonwealth Bldg1. Fourth ave.
lOSklfr 913 GREENFIELD AVE. Five room brick dwelling, with bath, cabinet mantels, ete; rent $22.60. SAMUEL W. BLACK Farmers Bank Building. 1024p $20 EST VI EW $20 New house of six rooms and bath, large lot Room for garden and chickens.
HORNER DAUBENSPECK, 801 FEDERAL NORTH SIDE. 1024p ONE new six-room brick house, bath, laundry, two finished attire most desirable location. Crafton Heights, every convenience and modern. 104 Clarendon ave. Crafton Heights or D.
Cassleyv Agent 1024wp CITY RESIDENCES TO LET. $16 814 South N. 6 rooms. 28 3391 Webster ave, 7 rooma 2nd Srd fl. $38 6604 Ellsworth 8 rooms.
CHARLES A. HECK MAN 482 Wood St 1034p NEW BEECH VIEW DUPLEX. Fine location, third door from street car line- rooms, modern. Rent $35.00. KENNEDY A LANGSDALE, 6056 Jenkins Arcade 1024p CRAFTON HEIOHTS Frsme honse seven rooms, batn.
szs: six rooms, erica izt; rooms, brick, all near Carnegie-Craft on care $30. Cbese 434 Diamond st Walsh Blg- 1024wp BELLEVUE. $23.00. five nne rooma Datn, laundry, cellar, porchea yards; best loca tion. Balph (Rodgersl ave.
inquire 474 Teece (Bayne) ave 161-R Neville 1024wp FOR RENT Close- to station and trolley; modern 8 -room house, large lot on paved street; $30.00. worth $35.00. J. F. Harper, 8 Ingram-ave 622-R Crafton, luzip HOUSE of six rooms, bath, tip-to-date: large lot, for garden 2680 West Liberty ave; rent $25 per month.
Owner. 11 Bailey ave. Mt. Waab'ngton. A five-ROOM HOUSE In the North Side; water, gaa.
large yard, splendid eondl- tlon; will be vacant first of month. Phone 3755-W Cedar. 1024wp WILL SUBLET Party leaving city, up-to- rioto in room brick house: all conveniences: California ave near lermon. lars call 1045-W Neville For partlcu- 1024wb House, 5 Rooms and $27. 237 Park Beaver Falls.
14wt GRANDVIEW PLAN New duplex dwelling. four rooms and bath, hardwood floora: near cars; $25 month. Phone Hill 125-J. ELEGANT fpur-room house chicken coop, r-r- f.wlv -nri five cent fare. Idlewood, 112 Chartiers ave TWO modem new housee 6 rooms and bath, front and rear porchea $29.00.
Cabinet st, near Fisk st 1024xp To LET. $20 Brookllne. rooms, bath, n.iv naoered Phone Elderkln S8SS-J Highland l23r ELM ST. six rooms $25: Crafton. four rooms.
$9: imme'dtste possession. Phone Adolf KIHp. 11 Fourth ave. 1821 wb i i nn VI.T VI 707 Berkshire ave; 7 -room house: hot water neat ana ail conve it- encea 1021wii FOR PENT Carrick. six rooms and bath, on Charlerol car line.
$16 per month. W. J. Pell Bdg TO LET Brick house eight rooma' bath, JL nn 4932 Kincaid between Mill-porch, cement cellar. Inquire 637 Herron KKh vale and Winebiddle avea, brick ave.
1024wp rooms, batb. etc. FIVE ROOU HOUSES, large xanl il End colored tenants. I. McKee.
23 Pnl-lr'cn cj.y $18 ROOMS, bath, gaa porch paved 128-J. Florence ave. street 230 Fifty-seventh st Mendel. 701 xvit, 1,,,1 nj. r.
rrott Bldg. ItUwp and bath. Fifth $28. Itfquire ttlt MALL house In BK-hvlew. newly decora-Fifth ave li24p td.
all conveniences Rent $20 I'wt FOR RENT Five-roomt-d house on Lin.ula iave: bsth and yard. $22.9. E. fnlr-chUd. 1206 Lane ave 1034x LET Six raomi aad bath.
819 Trenton 1934JTP wuaiasourg; I TO 1 TO.