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League of Legends-Oceania
Sep-30-2024 04:55:01 AM
5 time(s)
Lvl 1
30-Day Seller Performance
- Azariox
- Seller Lvl 1
- Member since 2021
13Total orders
accountreviews100.0% Total rating
100.0% LOL
Seller Lvl 1
See AlsoLowCost [BR][97 Skins][LvL 296][160 Champs][Dragon Trainer Heimer... | ID 215931246 | PlayerAuctions[ BR ] 133 Champs + 91 Skins BRONZE ll Gun Goddess Miss Fortune ... | ID 216072237 | PlayerAuctionsLowCost [LAN][148 Skins][LvL 483][80k BE][140 Champs][Prestige Em... | ID 215814905 | PlayerAuctionsTotal orders: 13
Member since: 2021
League of Legends account : Seller Rating
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$ 59.99
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👇 You can see all the features and details about the account below 👇
🌐 Transferable to Any Region of Your Choice 🌐
🔓 Full Access [Changeable Password & Email] 🔓
✅ We offer 14 days warranty ✅
Region: OCE
Level: 146
Riot Points: 85
Blue Essence: 20626
Orange Essence: 2192
Mythic Essence: 100
Current Season Rank: Unranked
Previous Season Rank: Unranked
Ranked Games Played: 0
Win Rate: 0
Season One: Unranked
Season Two: Unranked
Season Three: Unranked
Season Four: Silver
Season Five: Unranked
Season Six: Unranked
Season Seven: Unranked
Season Eight: Unranked
Season Nine: Unranked
Season Ten: Bronze
Season Eleven: Bronze
Season Twelve: Unranked
CHAMPIONS [ 116 ]:
[ Annie ]
[ Olaf ]
[ Twisted Fate ]
[ Xin Zhao ]
[ Urgot ]
[ Neeko ]
[ LeBlanc ]
[ Vladimir ]
[ Yone ]
[ Fiddlesticks ]
[ Kayle ]
[ Aatrox ]
[ Master Yi ]
[ Aphelios ]
[ Alistar ]
[ Ryze ]
[ Sion ]
[ Sivir ]
[ Soraka ]
[ Teemo ]
[ Tristana ]
[ Warwick ]
[ Nunu & Willump ]
[ Miss Fortune ]
[ Ashe ]
[ Tryndamere ]
[ Jax ]
[ Morgana ]
[ Zilean ]
[ Singed ]
[ Twitch ]
[ Karthus ]
[ Cho'Gath ]
[ Amumu ]
[ Rammus ]
[ Anivia ]
[ Shaco ]
[ Dr. Mundo ]
[ Sona ]
[ Kassadin ]
[ Irelia ]
[ Janna ]
[ Gangplank ]
[ Corki ]
[ Veigar ]
[ Caitlyn ]
[ Blitzcrank ]
[ Malphite ]
[ Katarina ]
[ Nocturne ]
[ Renekton ]
[ Jarvan IV ]
[ Orianna ]
[ Wukong ]
[ Brand ]
[ Lee Sin ]
[ Vayne ]
[ Rumble ]
[ Cassiopeia ]
[ Heimerdinger ]
[ Nasus ]
[ Nidalee ]
[ Udyr ]
[ Poppy ]
[ Gragas ]
[ Pantheon ]
[ Ezreal ]
[ Mordekaiser ]
[ Yorick ]
[ Akali ]
[ Kennen ]
[ Garen ]
[ Leona ]
[ Malzahar ]
[ Talon ]
[ Riven ]
[ Yuumi ]
[ Kog'Maw ]
[ Shen ]
[ Lux ]
[ Xerath ]
[ Ahri ]
[ Samira ]
[ Fizz ]
[ Volibear ]
[ Rengar ]
[ Varus ]
[ Nautilus ]
[ Viktor ]
[ Ziggs ]
[ Draven ]
[ Hecarim ]
[ Kha'Zix ]
[ Darius ]
[ Jayce ]
[ Kayn ]
[ Kai'Sa ]
[ Gnar ]
[ Zac ]
[ Thresh ]
[ Yasuo ]
[ Vel'Koz ]
[ Rek'Sai ]
[ Akshan ]
[ Kalista ]
[ Vex ]
[ Braum ]
[ Jhin ]
[ Jinx ]
[ Viego ]
[ Senna ]
[ Lucian ]
[ Zed ]
[ Xayah ]
[ Ekko ]
[ Vi ]
SKINS [ 151 ]:
[ Traditional Lee Sin ]
[ High Noon Senna ]
[ Vancouver Amumu ]
[ Cosmic Blade Master Yi ]
[ Dragon Fist Lee Sin ]
[ Re-Gifted Amumu ]
[ Pool Party Lee Sin ]
[ Dark Star Malphite ]
[ Karate Kennen ]
[ Sandstorm Ekko ]
[ Swamp Master Kennen ]
[ iBlitzcrank ]
[ Riot Blitzcrank ]
[ SKT T1 Jhin ]
[ Infernal Amumu ]
[ Piltover Customs Heimerdinger ]
[ Battle Boss Blitzcrank ]
[ Urfrider Corki ]
[ Dark Cosmic Jhin ]
[ Aether Wing Kayle ]
[ The Thousand-Pierced Bear ]
[ Trick or Treat Ekko ]
[ Riot Kayle ]
[ Gun Goddess Miss Fortune ]
[ Dissonance of Pentakill Viego ]
[ Jurassic Cho'Gath ]
[ Zombie Brand ]
[ Bee'Maw ]
[ Sasquatch Nunu & Willump ]
[ Blood Moon Akali ]
[ El Tigre Braum ]
[ Sailor Gangplank ]
[ Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks ]
[ Surprise Party Fiddlesticks ]
[ Dark Candy Fiddlesticks ]
[ Neon Strike Vi ]
[ Battle Academia Jayce ]
[ Pentakill Karthus ]
[ Warring Kingdoms Vi ]
[ Star Guardian Jinx ]
[ Surprise Party Fiddlesticks (Peridot) ]
[ Pool Party Ziggs ]
[ Master Arcanist Ziggs ]
[ Arctic Warfare Caitlyn ]
[ Meowrick ]
[ Tempest Janna ]
[ Lunar Guardian Warwick ]
[ PROJECT: Jinx (Catseye) ]
[ PROJECT: Jinx ]
[ PROJECT: Yasuo ]
[ Space Groove Samira (Obsidian) ]
[ Arcade Caitlyn ]
[ Pickpocket Twitch ]
[ Space Groove Samira ]
[ Riot Girl Tristana ]
[ Battle Boss Yasuo ]
[ PROJECT: Mordekaiser ]
[ High Noon Thresh ]
[ Dark Star Thresh ]
[ Worlds 2013 Thresh ]
[ PROJECT: Irelia ]
[ Astronaut Teemo ]
[ Coven LeBlanc ]
[ Little Devil Teemo ]
[ Crimson Elite Talon ]
[ Star Guardian Neeko ]
[ Unbound Thresh ]
[ Creator Viktor ]
[ Scorched Earth Xerath ]
[ Pentakill Sona ]
[ Silent Night Sona ]
[ Winged Hussar Xin Zhao ]
[ Arcade Sona ]
[ DJ Sona ]
[ Eternum Rek'Sai ]
[ Lord Darius ]
[ Outback Renekton ]
[ Snow Day Malzahar ]
[ Blood Moon Zilean ]
[ Dunkmaster Darius ]
[ Ruined Pantheon ]
[ AstroNautilus ]
[ Vandal Gragas ]
[ Warden Nautilus ]
[ God-King Darius ]
[ Superfan Gragas ]
[ Oktoberfest Gragas ]
[ Rumble in the Jungle ]
[ Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate ]
[ Super Galaxy Rumble ]
[ Corporate Mundo ]
[ Mundo Mundo ]
[ Underworld Twisted Fate ]
[ Mecha Kha'Zix ]
[ Iron Solari Leona ]
[ Blackthorn Morgana ]
[ PROJECT: Zed ]
[ Worlds 2018 Kha'Zix ]
[ Shockblade Zed ]
[ Arctic Ops Varus ]
[ Arclight Varus ]
[ Worlds 2016 Zed ]
[ Royal Shaco ]
[ Nutcracko ]
[ Elementalist Lux ]
[ Frozen Terror Nocturne ]
[ PROJECT: Vayne ]
[ Headless Hecarim ]
[ Ravager Nocturne ]
[ Haunting Nocturne ]
[ Temple Jax ]
[ Worldbreaker Hecarim ]
[ Odyssey Kayn ]
[ Primal Udyr ]
[ Definitely Not Udyr ]
[ Prestige PROJECT: Zed ]
[ Mecha Kingdoms Jax ]
[ Zombie Ryze ]
[ Superb Villain Veigar ]
[ Final Boss Veigar ]
[ Nightbringer Kayn ]
[ Warlord Shen ]
[ Blood Moon Shen ]
[ Soul Reaver Draven ]
[ High Command Katarina ]
[ Sultan Tryndamere ]
[ Pool Party Draven ]
[ Furyhorn Cosplay Veigar ]
[ Snow Bunny Nidalee ]
[ Headhunter Nidalee ]
[ Arclight Vel'Koz ]
[ Challenger Nidalee ]
[ Dawnbringer Nidalee ]
[ Battlecast Vel'Koz ]
[ Frostfire Annie ]
[ FrankenTibbers Annie ]
[ Panda Annie ]
[ Sweeper Rammus ]
[ Freljord Ashe ]
[ Pulsefire Lucian ]
[ Blackfrost Vel'Koz ]
[ Coral Reef Malphite ]
[ Marble Malphite ]
[ Annie-Versary ]
[ Conqueror Alistar ]
[ Amethyst Ashe ]
[ Dreadknight Garen ]
[ Headhunter Rengar ]
[ PROJECT: Ashe ]
[ True Damage Senna ]
[ God-King Garen ]
[ Infernal Nasus ]
[ Nightbringer Aphelios ]
[ Super Galaxy Gnar ]
CHROMAS [ 3 ]:
[ Surprise Party Fiddlesticks (Peridot) ]
[ PROJECT: Jinx (Catseye) ]
[ Space Groove Samira (Obsidian) ]
ICONS [ 100 ]:
[ Iced Pengu Icon ]
[ Season 2021 - Solo/Duo Bronze Icon ]
[ Player Behavior Icon ]
[ DJ Sona - Ethereal ]
[ DJ Sona - Concussive ]
[ DJ Sona - Kinetic ]
[ Nemesis Icon ]
[ Urf Portrait ]
[ Omega Squad Teemo Icon ]
[ Riot 10-Year Anniversary Icon ]
[ LEC 2021 Spring ]
[ 10th Anniversary Summoner Icon ]
[ Annie-Versary Border Icon ]
[ Rubber Ducky Icon ]
[ Pride 2021 Icon ]
[ Noxus Icon ]
[ Scarlet Fair Icon ]
[ Zero Hour Icon ]
[ Royal Arms Icon ]
[ Starswarm Icon ]
[ Scr-eemo Icon ]
[ Ionia Icon ]
[ Demacia Icon ]
[ Harrowing 2013 - Iceborn Keeper ]
[ Harrowing 2013 - Spirit of the Altar ]
[ Season 2021 - Split 2 Icon ]
[ Harrowing 2013 - Tomb Angel ]
[ Harrowing 2013 - Vilemaw ]
[ Harrowing 2013 - Morellonomicon ]
[ Debonair 2021 Icon ]
[ Snowdown 2013 - Giftwrapped Poro ]
[ Snowdown 2013 - Bad Gingerbread Veigar ]
[ Snowdown 2013 - Katarina's Dagger ]
[ Lunar Revel 2014 - Year of the Horse ]
[ Lunar Revel 2014 - Truth Diana ]
[ PROJECT: Zed Prestige Edition Icon ]
[ Sentinels of Light Event Icon ]
[ Sentinels of Light Pass Icon ]
[ Season 2020 - Split 1 Icon ]
[ Ruined Pantheon Icon ]
[ All-Star 2017 China Dream Team ]
[ 2014 URF Mode ]
[ Galaxies 2020 Icon ]
[ Light Icon ]
[ PROJECT: Pyke Mission Icon ]
[ Fire Icon ]
[ Galaxies 2020 Event Prestige Points Icon ]
[ Water Icon ]
[ PROJECT: Mission Icon ]
[ Air Icon ]
[ Nature Icon ]
[ Cracked Crownguard Icon ]
[ Crownguard Icon ]
[ Embellished Demacia Crest ]
[ Dark Star Malphite Border Icon ]
[ One for All Mirror Mode Icon ]
[ Demacia Crest ]
[ The Night Hunter Sentinel Icon ]
[ Doom Icon of Doom ]
[ Rift Scuttler Icon ]
[ 2021 Coven Event Icon ]
[ 2021 Coven Pass Icon ]
[ Piltover Icon ]
[ Serpent Crest Icon ]
[ Zaun Icon ]
[ What's in the Box Icon ]
[ Shurima 2014 - Acolyte 1 Win ]
[ Shurima 2014 - Master 3 Wins ]
[ Shurima 2014 - Ascendant 5 Wins ]
[ Shurima 2014 - Perfect Ascension ]
[ Coven LeBlanc Icon ]
[ Honor Great Leader Icon ]
[ Honor Honorable Opponent Icon ]
[ Honor For All Icon ]
[ Harrowing 2014 - Mark of the Betrayer ]
[ Honor Great Teammate Icon ]
[ SRU - Stag ]
[ Honor Great Mentor Icon ]
[ SRU - Owl ]
[ Season 2020 - Solo/Duo Bronze Icon ]
[ Worlds 2021 Event Icon ]
[ Season 2014 - Solo Silver ]
[ Worlds 2021 Pass Icon ]
[ Season 2020 - Flex Bronze Icon ]
[ Nightbringer Kayn Icon ]
[ Mt. Targon Icon ]
[ Runeterra Map Icon ]
[ 2020 Pulsefire Icon ]
[ World Rune Icon ]
[ Crystal Hug Icon ]
[ Shadow Isles Icon ]
[ Pulsefire Lucian Icon ]
[ Major Catch! Icon ]
[ Delicious! Icon ]
[ Shurima Icon ]
[ Freljord Icon ]
[ Snowdown 2014 - Poro King ]
[ Snowdown 2014 - Incoming Poro! ]
[ Pulsefire Core Icon ]
[ Major YES! Icon ]
EMOTES [ 51 ]:
[ Too Bad! ]
[ Hype Pengu Blue ]
[ Nice Try ]
[ Juicy! ]
[ Outta Time! ]
[ Veteran Emote 01 ]
[ God King Faceoff ]
[ Spook O' Lantern ]
[ All According to Plan ]
[ Smooooochie ]
[ Pride 2021 ]
[ From Jinx With Love ]
[ Guard Dawg ]
[ Sup Dawg? ]
[ Dogs vs Cats ]
[ Tea Time ]
[ Heartbreaker ]
[ Cuporo ]
[ Clean ]
[ Legend 1 ]
[ Legend 2 ]
[ Legend 3 ]
[ Legend 4 ]
[ Legend 5 ]
[ Boo ]
[ Salutations ]
[ Spooked ]
[ The Crown ]
[ What the Bread? ]
[ Sentinel Senna ]
[ Sentinel Vayne ]
[ Happy 10th Anniversary! ]
[ Please? ]
[ Oh No ]
[ The Kindest Cut ]
[ Hello There ]
[ Cup-Yay! ]
[ Look Into My Eyes ]
[ Happy to See You ]
[ The Hunt Begins! ]
[ Charmed ]
[ As If ]
[ No Words ]
[ Hehehe ]
[ Try Me ]
[ Blep ]
[ Animated Did You Just? ]
[ That's Not Nice... ]
[ Say That One More Time. ]
[ Is That a Threat?! ]
[ 10th Anniversary Ward ]
[ Penguin Skier Ward ]
[ Night & Dawn 2021 Ward ]
[ Queen Poro Ward ]
[ Dark Star Ward ]
[ Glorious Legend Ward ]
[ PsyOps 2020 Ward ]
[ The Wolf Ward ]
[ World Rune Ward ]
[ UFO Sprite (I) ]
[ Astronaut Molediver (I) ]
[ Birthday Cakespirit (I) ]
[ Cheeper Featherknight (I) ]
[ Fierce Protector (I) ]
[ Pumped Up Ossia (I) ]
[ Infernal Arena ]
TFT BOOMS [ 6 ]:
[ Hydroblast (I) ]
[ Hydroblast (II) ]
[ Zap Bolt (I) ]
[ Zap Bolt (II) ]
[ Zap Bolt (III) ]
[ Nova Bomb (I) ]
LOOT ITEMS [ 42 ]:
[ Jayce (Permanent) ]
[ Shyvana (Shard) ]
[ Quinn (Shard) ]
[ Syndra (Shard) ]
[ Zyra (Shard) ]
[ Vel'Koz (Shard) ]
[ Camille (Shard) ]
[ Evelynn (Shard) ]
[ Karma (Shard) ]
[ Trundle (Shard) ]
[ Xin Zhao (Shard) ]
[ Caitlyn (Shard) ]
[ Ornn (Shard) ]
[ Pyke (Shard) ]
[ Urgot (Shard) ]
[ Cassiopeia (Shard) ]
[ Nasus (Shard) ]
[ Vladimir (Shard) ]
[ Lillia (Shard) ]
[ Gwen (Shard) ]
[ SKT T1 Ryze (Shard) ]
[ PROJECT: Vi (Shard) ]
[ Blood Moon Aatrox (Shard) ]
[ Surprise Party Amumu (Shard) ]
[ Resistance Caitlyn (Shard) ]
[ Ashe Level 6 Token ]
[ Thresh Level 6 Token ]
[ Caitlyn Level 6 Token ]
[ Nocturne Level 6 Token ]
[ Vel'Koz Level 7 Token ]
[ Regular Chest ]
[ Hype Pengu Blue (Permanent) ]
[ Prestige Point (2019) ]
[ Prestige Point (2020) ]
[ Key ]
[ Key Fragment ]
[ Gemstone ]
[ Blue Essence ]
[ Clash tickets ]
[ Orange Essence ]
[ CURRENCY_mythic ]
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