I Want to Sell
League of Legends-Latin America North
Sep-25-2024 14:11:07 PM
4 time(s)
Lvl 1
30-Day Seller Performance
- Azariox
- Seller Lvl 1
- Member since 2021
13Total orders
accountreviews100.0% Total rating
100.0% LOL
Seller Lvl 1
See AlsoLowCost [BR][97 Skins][LvL 296][160 Champs][Dragon Trainer Heimer... | ID 215931246 | PlayerAuctionsLowCost [OCE][151 Skins][LvL 146][20k BE][120 Champs][Prestige PR... | ID 216160927 | PlayerAuctions[ BR ] 133 Champs + 91 Skins BRONZE ll Gun Goddess Miss Fortune ... | ID 216072237 | PlayerAuctionsTotal orders: 13
Member since: 2021
League of Legends account : Seller Rating
Contact me
$ 54.99
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👇 You can see all the features and details about the account below 👇
🌐 Transferable to Any Region of Your Choice 🌐
🔓 Full Access [Changeable Password & Email] 🔓
✅ We offer 14 days warranty ✅
Region: LAN
Level: 483
Riot Points: 451
Blue Essence: 72534
Orange Essence: 2663
Mythic Essence: 0
Current Season Rank: Unranked
Previous Season Rank: Unranked
Ranked Games Played: 0
Win Rate: 0
Season One: Unranked
Season Two: Unranked
Season Three: Unranked
Season Four: Unranked
Season Five: Unranked
Season Six: Unranked
Season Seven: Unranked
Season Eight: Unranked
Season Nine: Bronze
Season Ten: Silver
Season Eleven: Silver
Season Twelve: Silver
CHAMPIONS [ 134 ]:
[ Annie ]
[ Olaf ]
[ Galio ]
[ Ornn ]
[ Xin Zhao ]
[ Sylas ]
[ Urgot ]
[ LeBlanc ]
[ Vladimir ]
[ Yone ]
[ Fiddlesticks ]
[ Kayle ]
[ Aatrox ]
[ Nami ]
[ Master Yi ]
[ Alistar ]
[ Azir ]
[ Ryze ]
[ Sion ]
[ Sivir ]
[ Soraka ]
[ Teemo ]
[ Warwick ]
[ Nunu & Willump ]
[ Ashe ]
[ Tryndamere ]
[ Zilean ]
[ Singed ]
[ Evelynn ]
[ Twitch ]
[ Karthus ]
[ Cho'Gath ]
[ Rammus ]
[ Anivia ]
[ Shaco ]
[ Dr. Mundo ]
[ Sona ]
[ Kassadin ]
[ Irelia ]
[ Gangplank ]
[ Corki ]
[ Pyke ]
[ Karma ]
[ Taric ]
[ Veigar ]
[ Trundle ]
[ Swain ]
[ Caitlyn ]
[ Blitzcrank ]
[ Malphite ]
[ Katarina ]
[ Nocturne ]
[ Maokai ]
[ Renekton ]
[ Jarvan IV ]
[ Elise ]
[ Orianna ]
[ Wukong ]
[ Lee Sin ]
[ Vayne ]
[ Rumble ]
[ Cassiopeia ]
[ Skarner ]
[ Heimerdinger ]
[ Nasus ]
[ Nidalee ]
[ Udyr ]
[ Poppy ]
[ Gragas ]
[ Pantheon ]
[ Ezreal ]
[ Mordekaiser ]
[ Yorick ]
[ Akali ]
[ Garen ]
[ Leona ]
[ Malzahar ]
[ Talon ]
[ Riven ]
[ Yuumi ]
[ Kog'Maw ]
[ Xerath ]
[ Shyvana ]
[ Ahri ]
[ Graves ]
[ Samira ]
[ Fizz ]
[ Sett ]
[ Nautilus ]
[ Viktor ]
[ Sejuani ]
[ Fiora ]
[ Ziggs ]
[ Lulu ]
[ Draven ]
[ Gwen ]
[ Hecarim ]
[ Renata Glasc ]
[ Kha'Zix ]
[ Darius ]
[ Jayce ]
[ K'Sante ]
[ Quinn ]
[ Syndra ]
[ Aurelion Sol ]
[ Kayn ]
[ Zoe ]
[ Zyra ]
[ Kai'Sa ]
[ Gnar ]
[ Zac ]
[ Yasuo ]
[ Taliyah ]
[ Illaoi ]
[ Camille ]
[ Rek'Sai ]
[ Akshan ]
[ Ivern ]
[ Kalista ]
[ Bard ]
[ Bel'Veth ]
[ Braum ]
[ Jhin ]
[ Kindred ]
[ Zeri ]
[ Jinx ]
[ Tahm Kench ]
[ Viego ]
[ Lucian ]
[ Kled ]
[ Rakan ]
[ Ekko ]
[ Qiyana ]
[ Vi ]
SKINS [ 148 ]:
[ Dark Star Karma ]
[ Astronaut Gnar (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Astronaut Gnar (Aquamarine) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Aquamarine) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Meteorite) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Turquoise) ]
[ Astronaut Gnar (Granite) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Pearl) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Sapphire) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Peridot) ]
[ Playmaker Lee Sin ]
[ Obsidian Dragon Sett ]
[ Ice Toboggan Corki ]
[ Hot Rod Corki ]
[ Stinger Akali ]
[ Sasquatch Nunu & Willump ]
[ Atlantean Fizz ]
[ Omega Squad Fizz ]
[ Fuzz Fizz ]
[ Undertaker Yorick ]
[ Grey Warwick ]
[ Arclight Yorick ]
[ Tundra Hunter Warwick ]
[ Arcane Jayce ]
[ Arcane Vi ]
[ High Noon Samira ]
[ Battle Professor Graves ]
[ Battle Professor Graves (Sapphire) ]
[ Battle Professor Graves (Pearl) ]
[ Battle Professor Graves (Obsidian) ]
[ Super Galaxy Elise ]
[ Bullet Angel Kai'Sa ]
[ Deep One Kassadin ]
[ Cyber Pop Akshan ]
[ Boneclaw Shyvana ]
[ K/DA ALL OUT Ahri ]
[ Little Devil Teemo ]
[ iG Kai'Sa ]
[ Battle Academia Ezreal ]
[ Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV ]
[ Spirit Blossom Teemo ]
[ Silent Night Sona ]
[ Guqin Sona ]
[ Pulsefire Pantheon ]
[ Rune Wars Renekton ]
[ Arcana Xerath ]
[ Warrior Princess Sivir ]
[ Bandit Sivir ]
[ Gragas Esq. ]
[ Dragon Sorceress Zyra ]
[ Oktoberfest Gragas ]
[ High Noon Darius ]
[ Mr. Mundoverse ]
[ Blackfrost Renekton ]
[ Arctic Ops Gragas ]
[ Blackfrost Renekton (Pearl) ]
[ Executioner Mundo ]
[ Blackfrost Renekton (Aquamarine) ]
[ Blackfrost Renekton (Obsidian) ]
[ Void Bringer Illaoi ]
[ Blackfrost Renekton (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Crime City Nightmare Zyra ]
[ Frozen Prince Mundo ]
[ Totemic Maokai ]
[ Dark Star Kha'Zix ]
[ Mecha Zero Sion ]
[ SSG Taliyah ]
[ Royal Shaco ]
[ Star Guardian Zoe ]
[ Star Guardian Zoe (Pearl) ]
[ Astronaut Maokai ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Sapphire) ]
[ Headless Hecarim ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Emerald) ]
[ Star Guardian Zoe ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Catseye) ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Turquoise) ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Tanzanite) ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Citrine) ]
[ High Noon Hecarim ]
[ Primal Udyr ]
[ Soulhunter Kayn ]
[ Noxus Hunter Anivia ]
[ Blackfrost Anivia ]
[ Beast Hunter Draven ]
[ Draven Draven ]
[ Infernal Alistar ]
[ SKT T1 Alistar ]
[ Worlds 2022 Azir ]
[ Lunar Guardian Kha'Zix ]
[ Blood Moon Katarina ]
[ Battle Boss Qiyana ]
[ Blood Moon Katarina (Pearl) ]
[ Battle Queen Katarina ]
[ Blackfrost Alistar ]
[ Shadowfire Kindred ]
[ Lunar Guardian Nasus ]
[ Dragon Trainer Lulu ]
[ Pool Party Lulu ]
[ Riot Blitzcrank ]
[ SKT T1 Ekko ]
[ Space Groove Nasus ]
[ Blood Moon Aatrox ]
[ Snowmerdinger ]
[ Urf Kench ]
[ Jurassic Cho'Gath ]
[ Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank ]
[ Dragon Trainer Lulu (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Heimerstinger ]
[ Bandito Fiddlesticks ]
[ Firelight Ekko ]
[ Crime City Braum ]
[ Risen Fiddlesticks ]
[ Battle Principal Yuumi ]
[ Mad Scientist Ziggs ]
[ Sun-Eater Kayle ]
[ Bandito Fiddlesticks (Obsidian) ]
[ Bandito Fiddlesticks (Pearl) ]
[ Mecha Aurelion Sol ]
[ Bandito Fiddlesticks (Turquoise) ]
[ Lunar Wraith Caitlyn ]
[ Sugar Rush Braum ]
[ Blood Lord Vladimir ]
[ Bewitching Yuumi ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol ]
[ Sugar Rush Braum ]
[ Medieval Twitch ]
[ Crime City Twitch ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (Sapphire) ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (Tanzanite) ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (Amethyst) ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (Obsidian) ]
[ Tyrant Swain ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (Pearl) ]
[ Arcane Caitlyn ]
[ Cosmic Devourer Vladimir ]
[ Arcane Jinx ]
[ Wicked LeBlanc ]
[ Prestigious LeBlanc ]
[ Medieval Twitch ]
[ Medieval Twitch ]
[ Medieval Twitch ]
[ Shadow Evelynn ]
[ Tango Evelynn ]
[ Star Guardian Rakan ]
[ iG Rakan ]
[ iG Fiora ]
[ Giant Enemy Crabgot ]
[ Dawnbringer Riven ]
[ Butcher Urgot ]
[ Battlecast Urgot ]
[ Battlecast Urgot (Ruby) ]
[ Battlecast Urgot (Sapphire) ]
[ Battlecast Urgot (Pearl) ]
[ Spirit Blossom Riven ]
[ Battlecast Urgot (Tanzanite) ]
[ Battlecast Urgot (Obsidian) ]
[ High Noon Urgot ]
[ High Noon Urgot (Tanzanite) ]
[ High Noon Urgot (Turquoise) ]
[ SSW Talon ]
[ High Noon Urgot (Pearl) ]
[ Arcana Rakan ]
[ Augmented Singed ]
[ High Noon Urgot (Sapphire) ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Beekeeper Singed ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot (Emerald) ]
[ Withered Rose Syndra ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot (Catseye) ]
[ Lunar Beast Fiora ]
[ Constable Trundle ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot (Pearl) ]
[ Enduring Sword Talon ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot (Amethyst) ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot (Obsidian) ]
[ Elderwood Bard ]
[ Cassiopeia Curse Day ]
[ Victorious Sejuani ]
[ Old Saint Zilean ]
[ Freljord Sylas (Amethyst) ]
[ Time Machine Zilean ]
[ Freljord Sylas (Turquoise) ]
[ Dragonslayer Xin Zhao ]
[ Sugar Rush Zilean ]
[ Freljord Sylas ]
[ Super Galaxy Rumble ]
[ Bewitching Cassiopeia ]
[ Thunder Lord Ornn ]
[ Solar Eclipse Leona ]
[ Three Honors Malzahar ]
[ Battle Academia Leona ]
[ PROJECT: Vayne ]
[ Battle Academia Leona (Sapphire) ]
[ Battle Academia Leona (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Battle Academia Leona (Pearl) ]
[ Debonair Leona ]
[ Omega Squad Veigar ]
[ Prestige Empyrean K'Sante ]
[ Commando Garen ]
[ Desert Trooper Garen ]
[ Annie-Versary ]
[ Steel Legion Garen ]
[ Arcana Lucian ]
[ God-King Garen ]
[ Astronaut Gnar ]
CHROMAS [ 62 ]:
[ Astronaut Gnar (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Astronaut Gnar (Aquamarine) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Aquamarine) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Meteorite) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Turquoise) ]
[ Astronaut Gnar (Granite) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Pearl) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Sapphire) ]
[ Dark Star Karma (Peridot) ]
[ Battle Professor Graves (Sapphire) ]
[ Battle Professor Graves (Pearl) ]
[ Battle Professor Graves (Obsidian) ]
[ Blackfrost Renekton (Pearl) ]
[ Blackfrost Renekton (Aquamarine) ]
[ Blackfrost Renekton (Obsidian) ]
[ Blackfrost Renekton (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Star Guardian Zoe (Pearl) ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Sapphire) ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Emerald) ]
[ Star Guardian Zoe ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Catseye) ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Turquoise) ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Tanzanite) ]
[ Astronaut Maokai (Citrine) ]
[ Blood Moon Katarina (Pearl) ]
[ Dragon Trainer Lulu (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Bandito Fiddlesticks (Obsidian) ]
[ Bandito Fiddlesticks (Pearl) ]
[ Bandito Fiddlesticks (Turquoise) ]
[ Sugar Rush Braum ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (Sapphire) ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (Tanzanite) ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (Amethyst) ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (Obsidian) ]
[ Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol (Pearl) ]
[ Medieval Twitch ]
[ Medieval Twitch ]
[ Medieval Twitch ]
[ Battlecast Urgot (Ruby) ]
[ Battlecast Urgot (Sapphire) ]
[ Battlecast Urgot (Pearl) ]
[ Battlecast Urgot (Tanzanite) ]
[ Battlecast Urgot (Obsidian) ]
[ High Noon Urgot (Tanzanite) ]
[ High Noon Urgot (Turquoise) ]
[ High Noon Urgot (Pearl) ]
[ High Noon Urgot (Sapphire) ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot (Emerald) ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot (Catseye) ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot (Pearl) ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot (Amethyst) ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot (Obsidian) ]
[ Cassiopeia Curse Day ]
[ Freljord Sylas (Amethyst) ]
[ Freljord Sylas (Turquoise) ]
[ Battle Academia Leona (Sapphire) ]
[ Battle Academia Leona (Rose Quartz) ]
[ Battle Academia Leona (Pearl) ]
ICONS [ 180 ]:
[ Precision Icon ]
[ Domination Icon ]
[ Season 2021 - Solo/Duo Silver Icon ]
[ Sorcery Icon ]
[ Aurelion Smol Icon ]
[ Resolve Icon ]
[ Inspiration Icon ]
[ Rune Book Icon ]
[ Winterblessed Crest Icon ]
[ Season 2021 - Flex Silver Icon ]
[ Arcane 2021 Icon ]
[ Season 2023 Kickoff Icon ]
[ World Champion Minions Icon ]
[ Mythmaker Bunny Icon ]
[ Season 2020 - Split 3 Icon ]
[ Spirit Bonds Cassiopeia Icon ]
[ Blood Moon Twisted Fate Icon ]
[ PsyOps Icon ]
[ Debonair 2021 Icon ]
[ Bee Singed Icon ]
[ Champie Ezreal Icon ]
[ Season 2022 - Split 1 Icon ]
[ Season 2022 Icon ]
[ Super Galaxy Elise Icon ]
[ Faerie Emblem Icon ]
[ Faerie Mark Icon ]
[ 2016 MSI ]
[ Lunar Revel 2022 Icon ]
[ Super Galaxy Wolf Icon ]
[ Poro Chaos! ]
[ PROJECT: Pyke Mission Icon ]
[ PROJECT: Mission Icon ]
[ Season 2019 - Split 3 Icon ]
[ Season 2022 - Split 2 Icon ]
[ Cracked Crownguard Icon ]
[ Santa Draven Icon ]
[ Anima Squad Event Icon ]
[ Crownguard Icon ]
[ Embellished Demacia Crest ]
[ Pick'em Poro Predictor ]
[ Demacia Crest ]
[ Hat Trick Icon ]
[ Worlds 2020 Icon ]
[ Inkshadow Badge Icon ]
[ Travel to Jönköping with Worlds 2011 Icon ]
[ Travel to Los Angeles with Worlds 2012 Icon ]
[ Travel to Los Angeles with Worlds 2013 Icon ]
[ Travel to Seoul with Worlds 2014 Icon ]
[ Eclipse Knight 2022 Icon ]
[ Travel to Berlin with Worlds 2015 Icon ]
[ Travel to Los Angeles with Worlds 2016 Icon ]
[ What's in the Box Icon ]
[ Arcade Baron Icon ]
[ Travel to Beijing with Worlds 2017 Icon ]
[ Travel to Incheon with Worlds 2018 Icon ]
[ Travel to Paris with Worlds 2019 Icon ]
[ Travel to Shanghai with Worlds 2020 Icon ]
[ Worlds 10 Years Poro ]
[ Medieval Twitch Sapphire Chroma Icon ]
[ Dark Star Thresh Icon ]
[ MSI 2022 High Noon Event Icon ]
[ Season 2020 - Clash Contender Icon ]
[ Recon PROJECT: Ashe Icon ]
[ Season 2020 - Solo/Duo Silver Icon ]
[ Season 2020 - Flex Silver Icon ]
[ Viktor Champie Icon ]
[ Blitzcrank Champie Icon ]
[ Worlds 2020 DAMWON Gaming Champions Icon ]
[ Battle Queens Event Icon ]
[ Cotton Candy Pengu Icon ]
[ Galactic Pengu Icon ]
[ Mint Pengu Icon ]
[ Primary Pengu Icon ]
[ Prismatic Pengu Icon ]
[ Sherbert Pengu Icon ]
[ Sunset Pengu Icon ]
[ Well Done! Icon ]
[ Season 2021 Split 1 Icon ]
[ Twilight Pengu Icon ]
[ Season 2023 - Split 1 - Flex Silver Icon ]
[ Season 2021 Icon ]
[ Lunar Beast Event Icon ]
[ Arcade Corki Icon ]
[ Festival of Beasts Event Icon ]
[ Arcade Ezreal Icon ]
[ LEC 2021 Spring ]
[ 10th Anniversary Summoner Icon ]
[ Annie-Versary Border Icon ]
[ Ashe Champie Icon ]
[ Essence Knight Icon ]
[ Essence Prince Icon ]
[ Star Guardian Event Icon ]
[ Star Guardian Kai'Sa Icon ]
[ Pride 2021 Icon ]
[ Star Guardian Ekko Icon ]
[ Year of the Pig Icon ]
[ Space Groove Event Icon ]
[ Star Guardian Sona Icon ]
[ Star Guardian Nilah Icon ]
[ Star Nemesis Fiddlesticks Icon ]
[ Blood Moon Sivir Icon ]
[ Star Guardian Akali Icon ]
[ Star Guardian Taliyah Icon ]
[ Star Guardian Rell Icon ]
[ LATAM 10 Year Anniversary Icon ]
[ Star Guardian Quinn Icon ]
[ Foam Finger of Destiny Icon ]
[ Vi Champie Icon ]
[ Star Nemesis Morgana Icon ]
[ Space Groove Toofers Icon ]
[ Season 2022 - Split 3 Icon ]
[ Ekko Champie Icon ]
[ Urgot Champie Icon ]
[ Jinx Champie Icon ]
[ Medieval Twitch Obsidian Chroma Icon ]
[ Warwick Champie Icon ]
[ Season 2019 Commemorative Icon ]
[ Prestige Season 2019 Icon ]
[ Season 2021 - Split 2 Icon ]
[ Camille Champie Icon ]
[ Season 2019 - Solo/Duo Bronze Icon ]
[ Season 2019 - Flex Iron Icon ]
[ Sebastien Icon ]
[ Steel Valkyries Event Icon ]
[ PROJECT: Varus Icon ]
[ Sugar Rush Braum Chroma Icon ]
[ 2021 PROJECT: Event Icon ]
[ Blitz Screen Of Damage Icon ]
[ Sentinels of Light Event Icon ]
[ Champie Caitlyn Icon ]
[ Pulsefire Shen Icon ]
[ Season 2020 - Split 1 Icon ]
[ Final Boss Icon ]
[ Blown Away ]
[ Rainbow Fluft Icon ]
[ Worlds 2022 Event Icon ]
[ Spirit Blossom Lotus Icon ]
[ The Night Hunter Sentinel Icon ]
[ The Blade Dancer Sentinel Icon ]
[ The Moon Sentinel Icon ]
[ The Exile Sentinel Icon ]
[ The Berserker Sentinel Icon ]
[ The Outlaw Sentinel Icon ]
[ The Ripper Sentinel Icon ]
[ The Pridestalker Sentinel Icon ]
[ The Rogue Sentinel Icon ]
[ Crimson Raptor Icon ]
[ Season 2021 - Split 3 Icon ]
[ 2021 Coven Event Icon ]
[ Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot Icon ]
[ Royal Kitty Icon ]
[ Royal Doggo Icon ]
[ Coven 2020 Icon ]
[ Golden Dogs vs Cats Icon ]
[ Season 2022 - Solo/Duo Silver Icon ]
[ Worlds 2021 Event Icon ]
[ Wolf Banner Icon ]
[ Sisters of Justice Icon ]
[ Pride's Greatblade Icon ]
[ Golden Cat Icon ]
[ Season 2022 - Flex Gold Icon ]
[ Master Yi Portrait Icon ]
[ Season 2020 - Split 2 Icon ]
[ Rose Quartz Fluft Icon ]
[ Season 2019 - Split 2 Icon ]
[ Sapphire Fluft Icon ]
[ Catseye Fluft Icon ]
[ Nightshade Serpent Icon ]
[ TCL Winter Split Finals Icon ]
[ Obsidian Fluft Icon ]
[ Tanzanite Fluft Icon ]
[ Citrine Fluft Icon ]
[ LLA Opening Split Finals Icon ]
[ Crystal Hug Icon ]
[ Major Catch! Icon ]
[ Delicious! Icon ]
[ Prestige Edition Empyrean K'Sante Icon ]
[ Pulsefire Core Icon ]
[ The Council Icon ]
[ Medieval Twitch Amethyst Chroma Icon ]
EMOTES [ 181 ]:
[ Experimentation ]
[ Braumw ]
[ Awesome Sauce! ]
[ Outplayed ]
[ Peace Out ]
[ See Ya! ]
[ Looking for This? ]
[ I Can't Wait To See This ]
[ Good as Gold ]
[ 2021 - Split 2 - Silver ]
[ God King Faceoff ]
[ Vamporo ]
[ Minionstein ]
[ Adoeable ]
[ Beside You ]
[ Pride 2021 ]
[ From Jinx With Love ]
[ My Cocoa ]
[ Guard Dawg ]
[ Sup Dawg? ]
[ Got 'em ]
[ Heartbreaker ]
[ Sign of Love ]
[ Partners in Crime ]
[ Pride 2022 ]
[ Accepted! ]
[ Oh Please... ]
[ Tyrant Urf ]
[ Heeere's Poppy! ]
[ Goodbye Friend! ]
[ Maybe Next Time ]
[ Sentinel Senna ]
[ Sentinel Vayne ]
[ Sentinel Olaf ]
[ What If…? ]
[ Sentinel Riven ]
[ Vitamin Sea ]
[ Sentinel Irelia ]
[ Sentinel Diana ]
[ You Look Familiar ]
[ Happy 10th Anniversary! ]
[ Making Mischief ]
[ Trick or Treat ]
[ 2021 - Split 3 - Silver ]
[ Gottem! ]
[ I Won! ]
[ Go Team! ]
[ Are You For Real? ]
[ Serve! ]
[ Sentinel Graves ]
[ Sentinel Rengar ]
[ Please? ]
[ Aww how cute! ]
[ Sentinel Pyke ]
[ Gotcha! ]
[ Oh No ]
[ Sentinel Akshan ]
[ So Sweet! ]
[ Viego Undone ]
[ 2019 Honor 3 ]
[ Come Closer ]
[ 2019 Honor 4 ]
[ The Kindest Cut ]
[ 2019 Honor 5 ]
[ Irresistible! ]
[ Who's next? ]
[ Rock on! ]
[ Snoozy Poro ]
[ One more thing... ]
[ Shell Shocked ]
[ You're Mine ]
[ Wahaha ]
[ Aww Yiss ]
[ 2022 - Split 3 - Gold ]
[ Toot Toot ]
[ Get In ]
[ Tough Times ]
[ 2020 - Split 1 - Bronze ]
[ So Cool ]
[ Surprise ]
[ Oh! ]
[ No Thank You ]
[ Blep ]
[ That's Not Nice... ]
[ Ooh La La! ]
[ Say That One More Time. ]
[ Is That a Threat?! ]
[ Got Ya! ]
[ Glee! ]
[ Tears of Joy ]
[ Gotta Run! ]
[ Easy E-Z ]
[ Hype Pengu Blue ]
[ 2020 - Split 2 - Silver ]
[ Hype Pengu Red ]
[ Hype Pengu Orange ]
[ I will destroy you ]
[ Prepare Yourself ]
[ Fanfare ]
[ Nope ]
[ Is That a Challenge? ]
[ Nothing Personal! ]
[ Excuse Me? ]
[ Stop Jungle Diff ]
[ Blitz Screen Of Damage ]
[ Pengu-versary ]
[ Knuckle Sandwich ]
[ Squeal! ]
[ This Changes Everything ]
[ Are You Kidding? ]
[ BORF ]
[ Monsieur Meowssant ]
[ You're Next ]
[ 2020 - Split 3 - Silver ]
[ Tea Time ]
[ Let's Rock ]
[ According to Plan ]
[ Cool Blue ]
[ Clean ]
[ Legend 1 ]
[ In My Grasp ]
[ Legend 2 ]
[ Fandom ]
[ Legend 3 ]
[ Despair ]
[ Style: Rank S ]
[ Legend 4 ]
[ Legend 5 ]
[ The Council ]
[ 2022 - Split 1 - Silver ]
[ Much Love ]
[ Hooray ]
[ Legend 6 ]
[ Legend 7 ]
[ Pwease? ]
[ Legend 8 ]
[ Legend 9 ]
[ Catch Me If You Can! ]
[ Legend 10 ]
[ Very Nasus Much Wow ]
[ Legend 11 ]
[ Legend 12 ]
[ Legend 13 ]
[ Outrageous ]
[ The Call ]
[ Legend 14 ]
[ Salutations ]
[ Legend 15 ]
[ Never Again ]
[ Double Up Workshop: Grey Tier ]
[ Legend 16 ]
[ What the Bread? ]
[ Brain Freeze ]
[ Come at Me ]
[ Legend 17 ]
[ Dislike ]
[ Legend 18 ]
[ Gonna Be A Blast ]
[ Legend 19 ]
[ Me-ow ]
[ Gotta Fly ]
[ The Drama! ]
[ Delightify ]
[ Number One Fan ]
[ Scout-Approved ]
[ Angry Kitty ]
[ Excited Kitty ]
[ M'Pengu ]
[ D'Pengu ]
[ Look At My Face ]
[ Lantern Release ]
[ Cup-Yay! ]
[ Worlds 2020 ]
[ Happy to See You ]
[ 2022 - Split 2 - Gold ]
[ Unbenched ]
[ Worlds 2020 Champion DAMWON Gaming ]
[ Not Today! ]
[ Them Vibes ]
WARD SKINS [ 29 ]:
[ Year of the Pig Ward ]
[ 10th Anniversary Ward ]
[ Haunting Ward ]
[ Vamporo Ward ]
[ Snowman Ward ]
[ Gingerbread Ward ]
[ Santa Penguin Ward ]
[ Battle Academia Durandal Ward ]
[ Starcall Ward ]
[ Pulsefire Ward ]
[ Gong Ward ]
[ Dragonslayer Ward ]
[ Mimi Ward ]
[ Mecha Ward ]
[ Forge God - Season 2022 Ward ]
[ Glorious Legend Ward ]
[ Gentleman Poro Ward ]
[ Dragonslayer Poro Ward ]
[ 2022 Spirit Blossom Ward ]
[ Pizza Chicken Ward ]
[ Faerie Court Ward ]
[ Hang Loose Pengu Ward ]
[ Space Lizard Ward ]
[ Rising Dawn Ward ]
[ El Poro Ward ]
[ Dark Star Ward ]
[ Star Guardian 2019 Ward ]
[ Game On Ward ]
[ Star Guardian Ward ]
[ Sauna Sprite (I) ]
[ Super Squad Sprite (I) ]
[ Super Evil Sprite (I) ]
[ Explorer Sprite (I) ]
[ Scuba Sprite (I) ]
[ Fireborn Hauntling (I) ]
[ Shadowmask Hauntling (I) ]
[ Tropical Silverwing (I) ]
[ Molten Furyhorn (I) ]
[ Sentinel Runespirit (I) ]
[ Black Mist Runespirit (I) ]
[ Birthday Cakespirit (I) ]
[ Pengu Featherknight (I) ]
[ Sakura Featherknight (I) ]
[ Jeweled Protector (I) ]
[ Bubblegum Dango (I) ]
[ Petricite Tocker (I) ]
[ Legionnaire Tocker (I) ]
[ Sandbringer Flutterbug (I) ]
[ Sandbringer Flutterbug (II) ]
[ Dreadnova Squink (I) ]
[ Dreadnova Squink (II) ]
[ Orcus Starmaw (I) ]
[ Black Mist Bellswayer (I) ]
[ Nimblefoot (I) ]
[ Sugarcone Duckbill (I) ]
[ Crash Site Arena ]
[ Infernal Arena ]
TFT BOOMS [ 8 ]:
[ Fireworks - Tanzanite (I) ]
[ Fireworks - Sapphire (I) ]
[ Fireworks - Citrine (I) ]
[ Fireworks - Rainbow (I) ]
[ Fireworks - Obsidian (I) ]
[ Fireworks - Catseye (I) ]
[ Fireworks - Rose Quartz (I) ]
[ Fireworks - Mint (I) ]
LOOT ITEMS [ 100 ]:
[ Xerath (Shard) ]
[ Graves (Shard) ]
[ Rengar (Shard) ]
[ Viktor (Shard) ]
[ Sejuani (Shard) ]
[ Alistar (Shard) ]
[ Jayce (Shard) ]
[ Ryze (Shard) ]
[ Sion (Shard) ]
[ Kayn (Shard) ]
[ Zyra (Shard) ]
[ Seraphine (Shard) ]
[ Akshan (Shard) ]
[ Olaf (Shard) ]
[ Nunu & Willump (Shard) ]
[ Bel'Veth (Shard) ]
[ Miss Fortune (Shard) ]
[ Senna (Shard) ]
[ Lucian (Shard) ]
[ Jax (Shard) ]
[ Kled (Shard) ]
[ Ekko (Shard) ]
[ Vi (Shard) ]
[ Aatrox (Shard) ]
[ Azir (Shard) ]
[ Singed (Shard) ]
[ Twitch (Shard) ]
[ Rammus (Shard) ]
[ Anivia (Shard) ]
[ Dr. Mundo (Shard) ]
[ Sona (Shard) ]
[ Twisted Fate (Shard) ]
[ Ivern (Shard) ]
[ Bard (Shard) ]
[ Taric (Shard) ]
[ Veigar (Shard) ]
[ Rakan (Shard) ]
[ Xin Zhao (Shard) ]
[ Blitzcrank (Shard) ]
[ Urgot (Shard) ]
[ Brand (Shard) ]
[ Skarner (Shard) ]
[ Udyr (Shard) ]
[ Pantheon (Shard) ]
[ Kennen (Shard) ]
[ Garen (Shard) ]
[ Sett (Shard) ]
[ Leona (Shard) ]
[ K'Sante (Shard) ]
[ Malzahar (Shard) ]
[ Naafiri (Shard) ]
[ Lux (Shard) ]
[ Porcelain Lissandra (Permanent) ]
[ True Damage Senna (Permanent) ]
[ Pentakill Olaf (Shard) ]
[ Viktor Level 6 Token ]
[ Aurelion Sol Level 6 Token ]
[ Kayn Level 6 Token ]
[ Gnar Level 6 Token ]
[ Teemo Level 6 Token ]
[ Nunu & Willump Level 6 Token ]
[ Tahm Kench Level 6 Token ]
[ Aatrox Level 6 Token ]
[ Gangplank Level 6 Token ]
[ Ornn Level 6 Token ]
[ Blitzcrank Level 6 Token ]
[ Malphite Level 6 Token ]
[ Urgot Level 6 Token ]
[ Nasus Level 6 Token ]
[ Mordekaiser Level 6 Token ]
[ K'Sante Level 6 Token ]
[ Fiddlesticks Level 6 Token ]
[ Gnar Level 7 Token ]
[ Aatrox Level 7 Token ]
[ Malphite Level 7 Token ]
[ Urgot Level 7 Token ]
[ K'Sante Level 7 Token ]
[ Fiddlesticks Level 7 Token ]
[ CHEST_611 ]
[ Prestige Point (2020) ]
[ Key Fragment ]
[ STATSTONE_66600375 ]
[ Azir - Series 1 ]
[ Cho'Gath - Series 1 ]
[ Diana - Series 1 ]
[ Ezreal - Series 1 ]
[ Kayle - Series 1 ]
[ Nidalee - Series 1 ]
[ Sejuani - Series 1 ]
[ Varus - Series 1 ]
[ Warwick - Series 1 ]
[ Zoe - Series 1 ]
[ Lillia - Series 1 ]
[ PROJECT: Reckoning Ward (Shard) ]
[ Astronaut Poro Ward (Shard) ]
[ Blue Essence ]
[ Clash tickets ]
[ Orange Essence ]
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